That Moment By One Direction Perfume.

in #that-moment3 years ago

So it's a day and reviewing that moment by one direction so this is the box so it's got like a portrait of them in black and white in the front all looking very serious


and then the patting round it's obviously pink go for the girlie look uh-huh and then these I thought those have been really weird when

I first saw them but I realized well I've got it pointed out to me and it's like the top of the lid on the box hmm so yeah and so this is the bottle

so it's exactly the same design just different colors FISC so as if the top is mixed from the bottom so yeah instead of the like the netting it's got like

this big like crystal shape instead which is I like it I prefer that to that so yeah that's what that's like obviously going on the same track

sometimes people for their second fragrances do something really different but I like that they've just stuck with the same so the top notes for this Apple

cucumber and tangerine so the top is like very citrusy like sour through a sour sweets with the green apple and the cucumber but like standing out

and the top reminds me of Mariah Carey's ribbon which I have here so if you like that type of scent it's like a really good reference for you so when

I actually first sprayed this and smell to it I was literally stood in front of my perfume thing for ages just staring at the bowl because

I was like it smells like one of them and I can't remember which one it is and it was literally just sniffing a mile cause it was just doing my head

in that I couldn't remember which one it was and it was ribbon it's because the both got like the cucumber smell and it definitely reminded me of it like

straightaway so the middle notes I've got this one written down I don't know how to say it um it's like Mook youit's Mew QA you go up

and I keep dropping papers and I don't I don't know I'd say it but it will pop-up so you know what.


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