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RE: Still receiving flags! Important realizations from this experience.

in #thankyou6 years ago

Yes we trolled you, yes there were memes and animations, none were racist. We used your profile photo. Did you pick a racist picture then? Going by your logic I guess you did.

As you well know @haejin, the memes have all stopped for months now. You have to vilify someone, and you've had many different people that you've blamed for being the cause of all your problems on the STEEM blockchain. Right now it's me.

The only person you won't look at as the cause of your endless problems here, is you.

I stopped memeing you because as a wise man said:

Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 7.58.44 PM.png

I won't be silent though either.

I will keep speaking out. I will continue to support those who are brave enough to risk their earnings, curation rewards and their reputations by flagging and speaking out as well.

These are the people who really care about this platform. These are the people who are here for the long run and are invested in our futures together. That's why we're so passionate. We give a fuck.

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