
You don't seem to be a bad guy. So, don't fall under this bitch's spell and end up doing her biddings. Check out the dirty and racist some D&D. Her psycho husband @hendrix is quite a package. These two have incited others to wage their campaign. IF you join, you will only get hurt.

Dude, you're following the wrong person. If you do her'll get very damaged. So, stay OUT of this fight. That way, you'll never get my downvotes.

Listen, I did not have to write this message to you but am trying to let you know how to stay safe.

Thanks for at least responding, i was not expecting it. I am not fighting anyone's battles. All i am doing is, is forming and expressing an opinion. It happens to have something in common to the person you are alluding to. Having an opinion is not a crime. I have, to be honest, in the past flagged you twice, and at that time i had no idea of what flagging was (i have been on steemit for less than 3 months). I have commented on your posts less than 5 times, first to ask you a question about your analysis because i had genuine interest. Once, the comment was in jest because it seemed like you didnt care about engaging with people. But i realised its your account, i dont find it interesting but others can, i unfollowed you because the posts were not giving me any insights.

Just a suggestion, and you can absolutely ignore it. If you are unhappy with my comments or someone else's comments about you, let them know or flag the relevant comments. Comments can't destroy you, words wont do anything to you and as i remember i have never financially hurt you, not that i can, lol. And as i mentioned in my post, if you or someone else is allowed to upvote themselves, they will. That's a part of the system and if not you, someone else will do it regardless. I limit my comments about you on other people's posts and the first hateful comment i made about you was after receiving a downvote.

And as far as racist memes go, i am not racist, i am not white, i am south asian and i know racism. However, similarly, calling a woman a bitch is sexist and wrong, as wrong as someone being racist. I am all for an inclusive world, no one should be racist towards you and no woman should be called a bitch.

Thanks for responding, if you do think that you will be unhappy about me forming an opinion about your posts or discussing your posts with other people, please let me know. So that i know what is going to hit me, well before it hits me. I can then take a more informed decision.

I assure you she had called me a bitch and other insulting names much earlier than I started returning the name. She is a true witch as she lacks SP, she incites others to do what she is not able to do.....downvote me.

If you just stay out of this fight, I'll be happy to restore your rep score; except for ones that are writen unfavorably about me.

People like you have very little idea of the ugly history of Lyndsay and her hubby, hendrix22 (a psychotic fellow). So, please do stay out of this and no collateral damages will be experienced.

Once you do exit this flagwar, I assure you, Lyndsay and her bispelled minions will mute you. That's exactly what happened to @thabiggdogg.

I think most people are unhappy that you upvote yourself, multiple times a day, on posts that have very little information. May be that information is understood by people who know TA. i trade for a living but mostly bonds on a fundamental basis, and i did not understand it. So i think a lot of similar minded people get together against you, and no one needs to be incited. Anyway, not my concern really.

I am not a part of a flag war. As i mentioned, i only have an opinion about what you do. And if you are ever unhappy about me expressing it in the future, flag that opinion.

You dont need to remove your flags from the posts that wrote negatively about you. As per the rules of steemit, your flags were legit on the posts that rancho downvoted. The rest where you wiped out my payoffs was not right. I have never knowingly tried to wipe out anything you earn.

Yes we trolled you, yes there were memes and animations, none were racist. We used your profile photo. Did you pick a racist picture then? Going by your logic I guess you did.

As you well know @haejin, the memes have all stopped for months now. You have to vilify someone, and you've had many different people that you've blamed for being the cause of all your problems on the STEEM blockchain. Right now it's me.

The only person you won't look at as the cause of your endless problems here, is you.

I stopped memeing you because as a wise man said:

Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 7.58.44 PM.png

I won't be silent though either.

I will keep speaking out. I will continue to support those who are brave enough to risk their earnings, curation rewards and their reputations by flagging and speaking out as well.

These are the people who really care about this platform. These are the people who are here for the long run and are invested in our futures together. That's why we're so passionate. We give a fuck.

I'm pretty sure @karamyog's decision to criticize was not based on anything @lyndsaybowes, I, or anybody else said but on @karamyog's own observations of your actions against @allseeingewe. And that history is this:

  1. @flagawhale made a post about your most flagged individuals.
  2. @allseeingewe made a comment similar to this:

hot digitty Y'all

  1. You downvoted the comment..
  2. @allseeingewe made a post about it.
  3. @karamyog expressed an opinion about it on @allseeingewe's post
  4. You downvoted both of their entire blogs.

Now, even you can see how that action from you would cause a reaction from them and others in the community. Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. Expressing an opinion on your actions is not entering into a flag war. It is simply exercising something this platform was made to facilitate.

In fact, flagging you isn't even really a participation in a flag war, or at least it doesn't have to be. Anybody can and should flag you (or me or anybody else) if they feel the rewards are not appropriate. That is an integral part of how this system works. I actually like you as a content creator. I don't agree with the conclusions you reach with your TA, but if nothing else, it's entertaining and well delivered...well at least it was until recently, but I don't agree with your rewards. While I will agree that it is your stake (or stake you control) to do as you wish, others have the same choices with their stake. They are not relegated to sitting by and watching by virtue of their SP.

I propose that we all exit the flag war. Feel free to flag any content which directly offends you, and feel free to flag any content which you feel is over-valued, but give a reason for flagging. I will do the same and encourage the same from others. The result will not be a flag war, but simply a means by which we can resolve differences in a clear-cut and respectful manner.

Yeah, flagging you isn't a war either. Your rewards are being added to the pool, isnt' that great? Isn't that what you want by flaggin me? return the reward. The road travels in both directions.

Your rewards are being added to the pool, isnt' that great?

I don't know, maybe. I might agree with you. What is your reason for flagging me all the times that you do? What is your reason for flagging a comment I made on poetry for which the author has given me a .02 upvote? What is your reason for flagging a poem about the crucifixion of Christ? Did you not agree with the paltry rewards I would have received? If that's the case, I may agree with you. The truth is, I have been upvoting myself a lot recently, just to help drain your VP, and in my opinion, I think a lot (not all) of those deserved to be flagged, so thanks for that.

Ask yourself your reasons for throwing those flags. Is it because of some merit of the post itself, or was it simply a retaliation for someone disagreeing with you? Remember, you flagged me first, and I have offered many times to resolve this issue through other means. And I'm still offering.

sticks and stones FLAT.jpg

"am trying to let you know how to stay safe"

Is that a threat? Sure sounds like one.

You tried to wipe me out, but I am still here and there's more joining up. Your days are numbered and you pissed of the wrong people.

Guess what, community isn't just about how much steem you hold. You kept looking at the numbers and forgot to look at the people.

If you claim you don't know why you were're an idiot! Even @thabiggdogg understands how dumb your sorry accountant ass is.

Look how nutty @fulltimegeek has become...resorting to comment spam like a two bit good for nothing!

I mean, you can probably stop FTG or anybody else from doing that whenever you want. All it takes is a hard look at yourself, and judging yourself according to your own standards. Did you want to become a bully like you are? Are you comfortable being the guy who goes after minnows for simply disagreeing with you and saying something bad about you? I don't see how you could be. You're kidding yourself if you think you can bully your way out of a place such as this. You should really try to resolve this with the individuals with whom you're having the issues. Stop trying to simply throw your weight around all the time. It's obvious that it doesn't scare the motivated.

Let's try to come together and get a general understanding of why we are all fighting and look at what each of us wants in order to stop. I think that would be a good starting point. Where would you like to do this?

You're trying to reason with someone who has no sense of decency.

I wonder how many users steem has lost because of haejins malicious flags.

Best way to fix him is to remove his rewards, as that's the only thing he cares about.

While I agree that haejin has acted unreasonably in the past and continues to do so today, I do not think he is incapable of it. I think all of us are capable of coming to the table to figure out a way forward from this situation. I also think that the acceptable "way forward" will be different for each person involved. That doesn't mean that concessions can't be made by the parties involved. We have to start somewhere.

Yep, we can start by haejin just emailing his daily snake oil posts to Ranchorelaxo and cut out the middle man. Is that decentralisation?

Haejin has direct control over the ranchorelaxo account's voting ability. There already is no middle man.

Tick tock tick tock.

Time is running out

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