I'm Thankful for My Family, Animals and Steemit :)

in #thanksgivingchallenge6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone,

I was nominated by @gjones15 to do this "challenge" where I'm to name three things I am thankful or grateful for. This is hardly a challenge for me, because there are so many things in life I am thankful for; the real "challenge" is to pick only three :)

*" 2, 4, 6, 8, Who do we appreciate?"

  • #1 My Family

I know this one comes as no surprise to many of you, but my #1 appreciation in life is the love of my life, the one and only, @briancourteau:) How can I not appreciate someone who loves me for me, including my flaws (which are very few by the way haha), who writes me amazing poetry (here's his most recent masterpiece), and who believes me to be the most important person on earth. He and I have had an amazing time together in only 8 short years, and despite or perhaps in spite of his cancer, we have done more things and traveled to more places than many do in a lifetime! It's the way we are both wired, so we will continue really living every day, and kick cancer to the curb every opportunity we can. It may win in the end, but I'll be damned if it's going to win day to day !!

But what I haven't shared with everyone here are my two sons, Brian who is 20 years old and Patrick who is 23. They are the other men in my life who I absolutely adore. They both live in Vancouver, and although I miss them terribly being here in Mexico, we all talk several times a week and they are both hoping to visit us soon :)

Here's a photo of us on opening day of our restaurant; obviously it was a few years ago; the photos above are pretty recent :)

  • #2 Animals

Again...no surprise here if you know anything about me at all! Dogs, cats, chickens, bugs, all of it...I'm a huge fan!

Here's the fourth guy in my life, Buddy, a little miffed that we didn't save him any pizza :P

Some of you are also aware of a certain little puppy named "Muneca" (means doll) who was joining our family, but this week, the owner's son (that is, the original owner of the pup), decided that he wanted to have his dog back, so we are teaching him how to be a good dog owner. It was a difficult decision but in the end, if he want's his puppy and is good to him, well what can I say...it really is his dog. I was of course pretty broken up about it, but Muneca still runs out to see me whenever I go outside, so as long as he's happy and looking healthy, I'll be happy too. Kind of :)

So long Muneca:(

  • #3 Steemit


This may sound like a bit of brown-nosing here, but seriously, all of you have become my lifeline while in Mexico. I spend plenty of time alone, when Brian is not well and resting or sleeping, so steemit has become that friend I can call at all hours of the day and night; that friend who never says, "Oh god, not you again!"; that friend who always has a new story to tell. I am so thankful to have all of you to occupy my mind with, because if I didn't, I would be filling it with worries and stress that are far from productive. So thank you for always being here for me :)

Thank you again @gjones15 for the nomination; I told you I'd get to it sooner or later haha

I'm never been a huge fan of nominating people to do things, so if you feel so inclined, please comment here with what you are thankful for in your life, or feel free to write a post doing the same :)




My Love, what can I say but this

I can't imagine any greater fear
Than waking up, without you here,
And though the sun, would still shine on,
My whole world, would all be gone,
But not for long,

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, or climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

I feel the exact same way! Unfortunately, I think it will be me that will be forced to

imagine any greater fear
Than waking up, without you here,

I love you! Thank you for another beautiful poem:)

Heeyyyy... you made it!! So glad :) Love the list. That's so cool, y'all own a restaurant!! Burgers, too... yum lol. You have a beautiful family, as well--your boys look just like you!! And I thought I had seen elsewhere you mentioning being in Mexico--that's so wild!! While the rest of you is in Canada?!? That would be difficult :( But, as you said, steemit is a great place to come to "be around" some folks and hang out! Oh, I also forgot to give a shout out to you, @lynncoyle1 for being the one to show me GINAbot--you're right--steemit hasn't "been the same" since!! ;)) Thanks again!

haha told you I would :) I'm glad you enjoyed my list too! Thanks for a great comment as well; the boys looking like me seems to be the general consensus; Patrick is planning a trip here next month, so I'm pretty excited about that! The restaurant was a lot of fun, if you can believe it, but once Brian got sick, we decided to let it go.

GINAbot is a wonderful girlfriend to have, but I have to ask you...do you use https://steemworld.org ? I think I like it more now ;)

Thank you again for the nomination; I really did enjoy writing this post!

Yes, I have used steemworld, though, it seemed much different than ginabot... Is it supposed to serve a similar function? And I'm sorry to hear you had to close the restaurant.. although, I know how hectic food service is--yikes.. especially if one is not feeling well, that'd be the worst. I sincerely hope Brian feels better--stuff relating to health is so scary! But, we just enjoy the time we do have here, because it's all a gift! Thanks again for doing the post (finally..) ;))))

@steemchiller, the guy who developed and continues to develop steemworld, just recently added "Mentions" (like gina's notifications) that pop-up on your screen if you like and yes, you can get all of your comments, replies, coming author rewards, check your bandwidth, voting power levels, everything you need there. I love it and tell anyone who will listen about it. I have steemworld open at all times and am constantly referring to it. I do keep ginabot too because I can glance over when I'm on Discord to see what's going on, but I find some things are repeated so it seems like that little number beside her face is exaggerated sometimes...beatch has a lot to say all of the time hahaha

Thanks for the kind words about Brian; his cancer unfortunately is terminal (wrote a tough post last night about it), but that is why we are in Mexico and enjoying every day that we can. You're right, every day is a "gift" !!

I told you I'd get this post done! Geez! :) haha

Yes, you did. It's nice to know people who stick to what they say :) Your husband is a lucky man. Besides, what is "terminal," anyway? It's a bit misleading, imo--everyone is "terminal." To quote Jim Morrison (because I can't think of who says the pithier version): "No one here gets out alive..." All I can hope is to minimize the level of suffering; and mayyyybe "leave behind" something of value; something "the living" can continue to use, or to remember (positively) long after I'm gone... a "legacy," if you will ;) (a lofty ambition--I know--but hey)

Thank you, I think I'm lucky too ;)

If you're using Jim Morrison as an example, then we might all pale in comparison to his way of "living" ;) although I'm not a fan of 'slow and steady wins the race either', so let's go with a pithy happy medium somewhere :)

Hey there @gjones15 how is it going bro? There is a Moth Man convention in Point Pleasant next month, you should come! Hit me up on Discord sometime soon brother!

At the very least you could invite me too since you're poachin' on my post haha

You are MORE than welcome, you and Brian both :D

haha just messin' with you ;)

Sounds pretty awesome, dude... Imma have to bank on these cryptos to "moon" though, before I have funds to do somehing like that lol. And @lynncoyle1 is invited too, of course!

Well brace yourself my friend, I think a spike is a coming ;)

I have the same feeling @terminallyill; a sense of excitement in the pit of my stomach about it all!

Awesome @gjones15, Thanks! I'm holding out for the crypto-moon-ride too :)

Looks like the "take-off gear" is getting ready, at least! ;)

hahaha it's a step in the right direction!

Gratitude: The Secret for Great Karma!

Enjoyed your post.

Namasye, JaiChai

So true @jaichai, so true! :) Thank you !

You did it again, lynncoyle1: here I am with tears in my eyes.
The things you say are so beautiful and so filled with love...
It only proves to me that the image I have of you in my head is completely correct. You’re such a warm and strong personality... i hope that one day Steem will go to the moon, and I’ll be able to visit you in Mexico, and we can have our beers and little umbrella drinks together, while feeding bags of cookies to the dogs

aww @simplymike, I'm sorry that I made you cry...again! Your words here only prove the same about the image I have of you in my head :) If I ever win the lottery, or if Steem goes big, I'll buy that plane ticket myself...the fun I think we would have!! :)

I see your boys resemblance to you with their beautiful smiles. :) I didn't know they lived so far north. It must be difficult being so far apart. I learned later in life that home is not a place in this world, but where your family is, and right now, you are home with Brian in that piece of paradise. Thanks for sharing your family with us Lynn.

P.S, bugs? Really? I try not to step on them and if I see a moth fly into the house or something, do try to catch it and release it outside. Some bugs like silverfish..ughh...they give me the shivers.

Yes it seems to be the general consensus here; the boys did get a lot of my genes:)

Thank you for your kind words @beeyou; they eased the guilt I sometimes feel as a mom, being so far away from my kids.

And yes bugs, but truthfully, only some bugs. I try to let them all live if I find them in the house, but spiders are hit and miss because I'm kinda scared of them. Silverfish I'm ok with haha Ladybugs...absolutely love them :)

Holy shit, you had me at "Vera's". I can't wait to show my wife that pic.

Vera is my dead Nana and was one of the biggest characters in my life. Everytime I catch my wife looking out at who's going into the grocery store, or wondering who the guests are at the neighbours I say, "Never mind, Vera.

Those are all great things to be thankful for, and I'm glad you have so many. I wish you and Brian all the best down there.

hahaha "Never mind, Vera", a bit like Gladys Kravitz on Bewitched. Whoa, I just totally aged myself there, didn't I ? :P

Thank you for the well-wishes too; Brian and I both appreciate that! And thanks for stopping by!

@lynncyle1 this was an absolutely beautiful post that really sheds alot of insight into who you are :) Thank you for sharing this!

I am very sorry to hear about your fur baby. Sadly, such is life. But, things all happen for a reason, despite if we understand or not.

I am hopeful that Brian is feeling better, let him know I have been praying for him! You guys are an inspiration to someone like me, who has been trapped in the void for so long that things seem to be karma all of the time. I honestly enjoy every piece of content that you release, from comments to articles. As well, I am a very firm supporter of Brian's poetry, and just now have the SP to show him ;)

Thank you for this post. Nominate me one day LOL. I probably need more interaction like this to be honest. Great job as always my friend! You rock!!!

Thank you so much for your kind words Devon!

It was tough giving the pup back, but he still comes running for me when I go outside, so I kind of consider him shared custody :)

Thank you for the prayers for Brian and I'm glad you see us as a inspiration. I know there is someone "out there" for you, and like I've said before to you, you'll find her when you're not looking. I'm glad you like Brian's poetry; for a tough guy, he's really a big ol' teddy bear :) What do you mean that you "have the SP to show him"?

And I'll nominate you right now if you'd like to write a post like this. Especially when there's crap going on in our lives, it's nice to re-focus yourself on what is going right instead :)

Thank you again...and no no , you rock!! :)

Wao, @lynncoyle1.

Patrick and Brian both took your eyes! lol. It is a good family you built, dear. A good family.

You make me wish to hurry! I still don't have a child, BTW. But just know this is something good you have built.

And i admire your strength! Living especially with @briancourteau's reality.

But you got it covered, a classic case of putting life into our days rather than putting days into our lives.

Pass my regards to the boys, and that man of poems and letters, @briancourteau.

Also thanks for 'revealing' his account name. Now i have to run quickly and follow him! Everyone loves poets, no? YES!

Thank you @mirrors; the boys did seem to get a lot of my genes in the mix ;) And your family will happen when the time is right; it is a lot of work, but in the end, it has been the most rewarding experience of my life...the ups and the downs.

Thank you for recognizing the strength I have when dealing with Brian's "reality", but you put it beautifully when you said,

a classic case of putting life into our days rather than putting days into our lives

YES, everyone loves a poet :)

Thank you for a lovely comment @mirrors!

Always my pleasure. Much love.

You have a great loving family . thank you for sharing , I am getting to know you more and more each day that passes . Your kindness , heart and the way you reach out to people inspire me . My best wishes to you and your family ,especially to Brain , give him a nod for me . As for your #3 pick . What a suck up !!! I like @simplymike got all emotional , until then . what a let down after such beautiful number 1 and 2 pick

I will help you out because you can't nominate anyone

I am grateful for steemit because I have meet so Many wonderful people. And to you @lynncoyle1 who have introduced me to so many many great steemeins . I will always be in your debt

Thank you so much for the first half of your comment!! lol #3 is not a suck up haha It's true ;)

And then you go on to say how thankful you are to steemit haha. I am glad I have affected you in such a way though. Your comment makes my heart warm. Thank you!

So sad to hear about the puppy too, but hey like you said it is his dog. I enjoyed reading this and learning more about you. I so get the Steemit thing, I'm just as grateful for it and what it has brought into my life.

Thank you, yes it was a sad day returning the little guy, but I'm going to keep a close eye on him for sure! One sign of a hungry pup and he's mine ;)

I'm still amazed at how 'attached' I've become to so many people on steemit, how many are lovely acquaintances that I'm still trying to get to know better (like you;), but there never seems to be enough time in the day :) I can tell that you understand exactly what I'm saying here!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Not surprising at all, there are so many amazing people around here 😁.

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