We've To Thank God For The Overflow Of His Grace

in #thanksgiving5 years ago


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2 Corinthians 4:14-15 (NIV)

"because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God."

Hi Dear Brothers & Sisters, we have no reason of offering thanksgiving service to our God Almighty. Since the birth & the death of Christ reveal so many grace that've overflowed for us. Just four days a go, Jesus Christ was borne to come anf live with us, teach us the correct path to Heaven; that is the divine Salvation for everybody. Because of us were captivated by the devil & most of us were living in darkness & the wicked part of the World. Many of us who were affected through these situation were made to become righteous through God's grace.

Again, Christ death make us to have hope of entering the Kingdom of God, because the Salvation Christ left for us. There is the Salvation through his blood which overflowed in the Calvary. This divine blood wiped away our sins & sanctified or purified all sins that we've committed against God Almighty. Though, Christ is in Heaven, of which of course don't see him physically, but He still intercede for us Spiritually. It's through hia redemption grace that we haven't died both physically & Spiritually.

If all these grace have overflowed for us & still overflows for us, then have the course to offer thanks to our Almighty God all the time. In the morning, afternoon, evening, night, every minute or hour & everyday we should not suffer of giving thanks to God. Because, when we are able to wake up, move & do all sort of activities, it's due to God's grace through Son Jesus Christ that's why are still living. If the whole of this year, from the beginning of January to December, we are still breathing, God has delivered us from sickness & death, then we shouldn't hesitate of thanking God.

Remember today marks the first Sunday after the birth of Christ & must offer thanks to God in that capacity that He has made it so. Do it in any way that you wish, as far as it's from your heart. Someone can clap for God, others can shout, others too can roll themselves on the floor, other too can do it through singing, others too through prayers. Steemians too can do this through sharing our thankgiving messages, pictures, videos and many forms of thanks on this Steem BlockChain here. In what ever way we do to thank God, He appreciate it. Thank you Steemians for this offer you're doing for God. Cheers & welcome to this Sunday thanks service.

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