The LIE That Is Thanksgiving… And What REALLY Went Down

in #thanksgiving7 years ago

"This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots."
-- Massachusetts Bay Governor John Winthrop


The Thanksgiving Lie...

What makes a good lie -- a lie that is believable.., is that there is always a hint of truth in it… This way the believers in the lie and the enactors of it can always refer back to that tiny hint of truth.., and refute or just plain ignore the rest of the facts. Not to be judgmental or insulting to anyone.., but it is the sign of the unenlightened, unwilling to to see the truth for what it is and expand their minds, they are content to just believe the lie.

When you sit down this year to enjoy your turkey with all the fixins.., understand it is only the hint of the truth, that has long survived the actual truth. It is want we want to believe, because it gives us that warm fuzzy feeling inside. As the famous saying goes -- "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it…" But what good does learning history do, if they leave most of the facts out -- it doesn't do any good!

And so the lie of Thanksgiving was created.., by none other than two of our most famous presidents -- George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. First it was George Washington that suggested that Thanksgiving be only one day a year, instead of giving thanks to God after each and every massacre (there were many). And then, it was Abe Lincoln who decreed Thanksgiving be a legal national holiday during the Civil War, to inspire that warm fuzzy feeling and try and bring a nation together -- the same day he ordered the troops to march against the Sioux Indians in Minnesota.

Much later in the 1800's and then again in the 1930's Thanksgiving was commercialized and used by merchants and marketers as a sign of the Christmas shopping season. As a matter of fact in 1939 President Roosevelt spurred on by all the merchants, tried to move Thanksgiving back a week to give the merchants more time to sell and the people more time to buy. And today.., it's just a circus -- the day after being Black Friday, where a bunch of people, still busting at the seams from all that turkey and pie line up for the "best" deals of the year on that flat screen -- even if they have to trample the guy next them for it. Thanksgiving like almost all of our holidays has been bastardized.., I guess we shouldn't be surprised, since it was based on a lie.


The Hint

Most of us associate Thanksgiving with happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a big feast (because that's what we are taught). And that did happen -- once. When some of the first settlers came over on the Mayflower, many of them did not survive the first winter and were starving.., they were taught by the local indians how to grow things like corn and were treated somewhat friendly by the indians… After that first winter, now knowing how to grow their own food, they invited the indians to celebrate the harvest in 1621.., and for 3 days they celebrated and ate together.

That happened once!

The Whole Story

Only a few years later in 1637.., a white settler was found dead and the night before the Indians were to celebrate their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration, they were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries while they slept and ordered to come outside… The ones who came out were shot, clubbed, run-through with a saber -- killed, those who refused to come outside were burned alive, many of them women and children.


The next day the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day of Thanksgiving" because 100's unarmed men, women and children had been massacred. Spurred on by their victory, they went on to massacre many more villages filled with Indians, the ones that were killed were sold into slavery (the beginning of the slave trade). That warm fuzzy feeling we associate with our Thanksgiving was instead, heads were chopped off and kicked around, the head of one Indian chief was impaled on a spike and remained on display for 24 years.

And after each one of these massacres they celebrated a Thanksgiving.

It seems we will believe anything we read in our history books, taught in our schools.., or whatever is the most convenient and beneficial to us… It has become a great American tradition to ignore the facts, for the sake of vanity. To look truth in the eyes.., and twist what was in no uncertain terms a massacre of 100's of men, women and children.., and twist it into a happy go-lucky feast shared amongst friends. The burning and slaughter of innocents, perpetrated by fear and ignorance, spun into one of Americas greatest holidays, it makes you think about.., who the real savages actually were…

Image Source: 1 2 3


i love that thanks for sharing

i love that thanks for sharing that :D

Anytime... :))

I like The Hint.. Yeah.. like it bro @macksby

It sounds better...

All is an marketing and interes

Spend, Spend, Spend...


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