Wicked Thanksgiving Feast With Brendan's Parents

in #thanksgiving7 years ago

We're still trying to get @marionbowes posting on Steemit...

Hey Hey Marion...hint hint...I know you're reading this! Marion is my awesome Mother In-Law, and tonight she had our brood over for yet another heavenly feast. Brendan's Dad, Craig, is pretty stellar in the kitchen too, it's no wonder my husband is such a talented cook/baker and host.




Always a beautiful table, and a little chocolate for everyone...




"Mr. Joey Cat" beginning to get pissed off at me because I'm telling him what to do so I can take a good photo of him. The ears are back now, and I know it's time for me to back off...


I got a word for people like that but I won't use it...hahhaahaa

Perhaps my friend @tremendospercy will though...

Ok, yeah that's right, Thanksgiving! I almost forgot about it due to Joey's belligerence...




The smell that has been torturing us for hours has finally made its appearance. I guess we're just gonna admire this for a while...



Kiedis most likely asking Oma @marionbowes for a(nother) cookie.


While we were waiting for the bird to rest I got some photos of the boys.




And now Joey is assaulting my camera bag, rubbing himself all over it trying to get hair in my lenses and ruin any future plans of me taking his photo.


If you have been around felines you know the routine, sniff then head boop...sniff then rub...


The Master Chefs doing the final preparations...



And That's It Folks!

Soon after this moment I fell into a food coma and have yet to fully come out. I would have loved to get a couple shots of the dessert and definitely a full family photo, but it's been so long since I had Turkey I completely lost my bearings and my camera too.

There is so much to be thankful for every day. Brendan's parents have been there for us, so much over the years. They have loved and supported us through thick and thin, watched us make mistakes, yet never made us feel small for them. Gave us a helping hand up instead. They always have a word of encouragement, or an ear to listen to our seemingly never ending catastrophes lately. They believe in Brendan and support all of his ideas and dreams.

They love and accept me for who I am and all my weirdness :) :) :) And they are so amazing with our boys too. Stryder says to me the other day: "You know what Mom, I love Oma's house the most because she has never gotten mad at me, never". Stryder can be a challenge, yet Brendan's parents bring out the best in him. They have a lot of wisdom to share with us, about patience...and never giving up on the ones we love. We are very, very blessed, today and every day.


Thank you once again, for witnessing our Journey...


I really like Mr Joey the cat from that first picture of him kind of getting a little annoyed. He could be wondering when he gets his slice of turkey with gravy.

HAHAHHAA!!!! Omg that comment really made me laugh!! Good one!!

What a beautiful post! Love your little insights into everyone's personality and quirks. I cant wait for the holidays and share the same family with my family. I too have amazing in-laws and couldnt have asked for a better MIL. Keep sharing your posts, they are a delight to read! :)


I'm so happy you have such a great family too @thecollectors! :)

Damn I always thought booze would be what I missed the most but after seeing those pics, I really miss meat. :(

But hey tofu is good too.....not.

:( This too shall pass.... <3 xo



BWA HAHHAHAHAAAAA....I was being supportive!!

Just out of curiosity, if that is supportive, what does it look like when you want to go after someone? LOL

Oooh lololol it's real ugly....

LOL I will do my best to remain on your good side.

And I do apologize that I havent posted in walkwithme the last couple days...I will have a post up there tomorrow. I promise.

S'all good... :D

Even purple cabbage! What a treat. It looks like you had an amazing time with your family.
Happy Thanksgiving 🍗

Yessssss mmmmmm...true German style too, the cabbage was beautiful so many spices and flavours...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too EH ED! <3 <3 <3 :)

I am always so MOVED by your outlook and gratitude and all the love in your heart, Lyndsay! You are blessed and everyone around you is as well, just by knowing you. XO

I'm blessed to be in your life, that's for sure, love you so much @apollosun <3 xoxo!!

it looks just delicious! and i like the joke about a cat :D

:) Glad I could make you smile!

Happy Thanksgiving to my favourite Steemit family.
I hope you had a great time, the food looks yummy. 😉❤️


This is beautiful! The pictures, the story, the nice words about your in-laws! Love what your son said about Oma never getting mad! adorable <3

And of course the food looks fabulous! xo

Yeah, she's a one of a kind lady, I look forward to introducing her to this amazing community! :)

wonderful! Hello to Oma! xo

it's great to see you and your family in this happy moment . happy thanksgiving to you and family and also your guests :) <3

Thank you so much Davood, and a happy harvest to you all :) <3

You have been on wonderful journey of love and growth. You have a very beautiful family.

Thanks so much for saying so @SeaReader1 :) xo

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