My Heart is with the People of Standing Rock, ND this Thanksgiving.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thanksgiving8 years ago (edited)

The World is Standing by as History Repeats Itself.

This is a tragedy of the highest order. I know folks are celebrating a Holiday where some very thoughtful Native Americans fed some illegal aliens but I would like to draw some attention to Standing Rock, SD.

Follow Payu Vane Lead Developer of Mazacoin Who is On Site at Standing Rock.

Ignoring Tragedy does not Make it Go Away!

This Thanksgiving it would be wonderful if the American people turned their attention to the Sioux nation. The fascist government is in league with the oil companies. We have seen the same happen in the Middle East, now the USA is turning its guns on its own people. This is not going to end well.

Show support for Standing Rock by sharing images, memes and news to draw attention to the situation. Enough is enough already.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Coming to a home town near you.

As like everywhere,ts so sad that its our own police force or military who are doing the oppression.I saw in the news before that some police decided to take the tribe' side and left?

It is unconscionable, evil. The police are acting like mercenaries.....not protectors of the people or constitution.

The problem comes down to, the govern-cement is force.
They will always escalate until the other side gives in.
To not do so means the end of govern-cement (at least to them).

What we will see in about a generation is a move to something like a protectorate. (At a minimum, changing the name from controlling-people to protecting-people will be a huge step in mental focus)

We live in a police state. And as such, the police will be used as the pointy end of politics. There is already so many laws, that you are guilty of at least 3 felonies every day. You just haven't been caught yet. In the next year we are going to see a change to govern-cement. More transparency, more honesty, smaller/more local/more responsive. We will see a complete overturning of THE LAW. (THE LAW is evil, it is not what you think. The law, that law abiding citizens follow is a completely different thing, and as such, THE LAW needs to go away, and the law needs to actually be worked out.)

So, sadly I must say, we are going to see a lot more strife. Keep pointing out politician's wrong doings. This is a time for truth.

It is people like Donald Trump that cause these problems, all they care about is making money, nothing else! Our own president elect is a million dollar investor in this pipeline, so the people should insist Trump divest himself of this project if he wants to be president!

I am no Trump fan, but this has been going on for months. Where is Obama? Fascism is fascism whether it is the future president or the current one.

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