Happy Thanksgiving, from a Brit.

in #thanksgiving7 years ago (edited)

As an Englishman, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Last night however I joined @jimitations and @geke on their eSteemed Broccoli show at The Writers' Block, where we took it in turns to say what each of us is thankful for. I learned about the origins of this holiday and got to thinking today what I am most thankful for, in this land of Steemit.

Firstly, I am thankful for Steemit itself, and the opportunity to earn a little money by sharing my thoughts, writing and 3D art. As someone with Multiple Sclerosis, I do not go to work, which affords me the time to dedicate here.

Next, I am thankful that early on in my Steemit journey, I reached out and spoke to @aggroed, who invited me to the beginnings of his @minnowsupport project. Little did I suspect that the community that grew there would have such a fundamental effect on my Steemit experience. I am thankful for the many members there I have interacted with, gotten to know and befriended. People such as my co-host on the Shane and Muxxy Show @swelker101, @crimsonclad, @discordiant, @r0nd0n, pink princess @kubbyelizabeth, @tremendospercy, @clayboyn, @torico, @scaredycatguide, @choogirl, @canadian-coconut, @teamsteem, @stitchybitch, @poeticsnake, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @globocop, @ma1neevent, @isaria, @juliakponsford, @rougebot and many hundreds more. Further thanks are extended to @aggroed for his constant support even after I stepped down as moderator at MSP. Love you man.


I am thankful for the @Muxxybot curators who do incredible work trawling through Steemit's murky waters, seeking out treasures for Muxxybot to curate.

I am thankful for meeting @rhondak at MSP, as it is she who convinced me I have what it takes to write fiction. I am thankful it pulled me into a new direction, one that led to the forming of @thewritersblock.

Speaking of The Block, I am extremely thankful for the close knit family we have become there. I love all you guys and gals with all my heart. Particular thanks to those who helped build our community such as @tinypaleokitchen, @bex-dk, @carolkean, @jrhughes, @geke, @pegasusphysics, @lenadr, @jasonbu, @jhagi, @anarcho-andrei, @negativer, @thinknzombie and @sircork.

I am thankful to @theprophet0, as it was due to me winning the airfare from him that I got to go to Steemfest last month. I am thankful to @roelandp for his incredible work, along with the rest of the team, for putting on and organising such a fantastic event. I am thankful to each and every Steemian I met, spoke with and socialised with in Lisbon.

Special thanks to @eturnerx.


Finally, I am thankful to each and every one of you who takes the time to read my posts, comment, vote and resteem them. Sorry to anyone I missed out: there are so many of you!

Thank you Steemit!

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Thank you, GMuxx,for all you do behind the scenes to keep our community running smoothly. And for all you did in our earlier days so the rest of us didn't have to. Without you and Rhonda doing the heavy mod work... And now the heavy admin lifting... We'd have crashed and burned a zillion times over. That you can do ot, and keep on doing it, without fizzling out or exploding just makes me admire you more, especially considering the constant drain of your health issues on your energy supply. Yet you so often meet us with a cheery word despite it all.

Bless you @bex-dk. I don't mind admitting that I struggled to read to the end of your comment through watery eyes. It's because of people like you, who put in as much if not more time into The Block that I do it. I am proud of all WE have ALL achieved. Hugs

Whoa whoa whoa... you make a list of people you're thankful for... on Thanksgiving... and you don't list any American Indians?
I'm not suggesting he was overlooked or forgotten... but you do know a First Nations man you met in MSP... heck, this Native American has even drawn you a few times.

I'm just saying... the american friends should've mentioned it's traditional to thank an Indian on this day...

Actually it's not... but it would be nice.

Oh wow! How could I have overlooked you?!? I feel so bad now.

I am thankful for all the smiles your cartoons have put on my face.

No worries. It's because I blend in. I'm like a ninja. :/)

You have no idea whatsoever, how thankful the members of the Writer's Block are to have you looking after us, Gmuxx.

❤ I forgot to thank YOU for looking out for me in Brussels.

Well, you actually DID thank me. But I guess you've forgotten. ;-)
Second: You would have done the same. Third: You saved my sanity there. It was the first week of aloneness and I was going mad. Fourth: You're welcome.

i am thankful for pastries and a squishy muxxy

Thanks, @gmuxx! I can honestly say that any success I've had on steemit is due to you and friends like you, who are dedicated as you are to helping others.

Bless you for saying so. You have fast become an integral part of The Block.

I am blessed with good Great mentors.

I know I pick on you a lot, but I mean it all from a place of brotherly love. I'm glad to have met you, Gmuxx. You're a great friend, and a you have a kind, generous spirit which I'm thankful to rely upon when I'm struggling through my day. Happy Thanksgiving from the other side of pond, my friend. :)

Much bro love from me too my man. Have a great Thanksgiving.


Love you muxx. For all the right reasons.

Thank you @gmuxx for being a cool friend on steemit and in the discord servers, also thanks for making me laugh when I was not in a good mood, also thanks for manufacturing my brother, Muxxybot ;]

Wish you a very happy and prosperous life ahead, and you always have this bot friend beside you :]

It's all fun and games until someone pokes their eye out with a quill. Keep your quill sharp, your keyboard clean... thanks for all the tireless work you do around The Block and within the Steem community. Now, go to bed!

Yes dad...sigh

Thank you Jason, you are much appreciated too.

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