It's Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

in #thanksgiving7 years ago (edited)

So i'm in Thailand and Thanksgiving isn't a big deal (at all). I miss the energy and excitement of this wonderful holiday. Most holidays are either religious or government based, but not Thanksgiving!

To me, Thanksgiving represents positive energy, giving, gratitude, private property and the demise of collectivism!

Here's what John Stossel says:

And here's a great article on

What are YOU thankful for?


I'm very thankful for this community... even the triggered ones!

haha ;) Thx Mike.

I'm thankful for cryptocurrencies.....all of them. We are finally in control of our financial lives and it's much harder for the thieves (gov) and their banking cronies to steal from us.

I'm sorry to break it to you but thanksgiving isn't what you describe it as. It's actually quite the opposite. People in Thailand would not support it because it's an American "holiday"... Ask more questions about the Native Americans instead of blindly celebrating this day which is essentially derived from a celebration of genocide.

i realize why Thai ppl don't celebrate Also, i'm not talking about the official narrative of Thanksgiving that I believe you are referring to. Did you read the article that I linked to? I don't believe so. It details the strife and experience of the first Plymouth colony, specifically when they tried "planned socialism" and all nearly died of hunger. Moving to supporting private property was what saved them.

I'm thankful for private property.

Your linked article is simply adding to the veil that disguises the "official narrative". I can tell that you are aware of this. Why do you continue to spread this crap when you know better? Sounds harsh but I'm glad you're not in America. We don't need this type of energy. You want to wear a mask and hide from the truth, you only help steer us into self-destruction with your message. Genocide is NOT "Free Enterprise"

We may be talking about different situations. I'm not talking about killing anyone here. If that's what Thanksgiving means to you, then create content to get your message out. As I said, it means a migration from socialism to a market-based economy.

Sure, the gov has killed a ton of people. Everyone knows that. It's what government's do.

You dont seem to understand that "what it means to you" doesnt change the actual reality of the celebration. You are contorting facts to fit your narrative. You are basically saying it's ok to kill a bunch of people as long as you can delude yourself into it being for a positive cause. If there were holidays based on reaching milestones in the American slave trade or the Holocaust, but they put decorations and cute inspirational themes to them you would celebrate and promote those too. Wake up.

Thanks for your perspective. Happy Thanksgiving :)

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