Thankful Mornings

in #thankful6 years ago


This winter has been a breath of fresh air. Not much for snow and (relatively) warm temps. It’s made it really nice for our chickens. As long as it’s not windy outside, they are out and about. And I can’t believe we are getting eggs! I thought for sure we would have to wait until spring to enjoy eggs. The most we’ve collected in one day is 7.

As much as I should be enjoying the winter (and I am), I’m still looking forward to spring. Now that I’ve learned a lot from last year, I’m excited for this year’s garden. I received the Baker Creek catelog in the mail a few days ago, so now I’m planning things out. I’ll have to do a separate post on that topic later.

This morning I’m thankful for this life.


Baker Creek catalog? Did you have to send for it or did they just send you one because you got one last year?
Oh and I too am looking forward to spring and the beginning of another garden!

It just showed up in my mail box; what a pleasant surprise! I think I’m going to order flowers as well as fruits and veggies this year.

Excellent surprise! I got one last year maybe one will show up this year on its own! I'm sure I'll be able to find a couple more things to buy for this upcoming season!

Good time to work on garden plans, looks too cold to do much else, LOL! Baker Creek is the best place to start, for sure! :)

Impressive that you are still getting eggs, your hens must be pretty happy with you! That is one thing I am hopeful for one we get moved.

Still praying for your Son! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Be Blessed my Friend.


My husband said these varieties are supposed to be good about laying in winter. We were also having an amazing winter so far, too. Not only that, but we don’t even use a light in the coop like some do.
Now we are supposed to get significant snowfall in the next couple of days, so we’ll see how they do after that. Hopefully winter doesn’t last too long!
Thank you! He is still doing great on diet alone. Thank you and hope you had a wonderful day :)

When we get to that point I will pick your brain on chickens, sounds like you have a good handle on raising them. :)

Hope it does not get too bad there! I hate shoveling snow myself. I hope it is spring soon too!

I am so glad your Son is doing well! That has been on my mind a lot. That is the result of a lot of prayer at your end, and some here. I would LOVE to help, if there is anything I can do.

Be Blessed, and stay warm!


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