Three things you must do 2020

in #thankful5 years ago (edited)

Its good to be in a new year, it gives new hope, new aspiration and new opportunities. so what are three things you need to do this year to make it meaningful?

Be Thankful: it's really easy to complain and moan about your circumstances and what you don't have, however, you you can stop to think, you will begin to see what is about you. The fact that you are reading this post tells me you have a PC or a mobile device with an internet connection, its easy to take this for granted and say everyone in the world is connected to the internet but this is not exactly true because about 42% of world population do not have access to internet. What am driving at is that your circumstance is not as terrible as you may think, I suggest you count your blessings and be grateful for it. Take a conscious effort this year to be thankful for what you have and for the help you receive people around you.

Ask for help: No one is an island and you cannot achieve much all by yourself. You need helps from other people so this year don't be too proud to as for help from others when in need. Help is not limited to finance, help can be in the form of advice, mentorship, training, caring. So make that call ask your buddy for help.

Make good relationship: Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. So I suggest you spend less time with friends that make you less productive and taking you away from your goals and dream. make new friends with people that will add value to you not people that will deplete you.

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