The demise of the mama papa shop

in #thailand2 years ago

I have been meaning to put these thoughts to keyboard for quite some time and had planned to go take my own photos to carefully outline the story. The pics have not happened but at least I have found time to put my thoughts together and hammer it out on my weary laptop. Something has happened in Thailand. It started slowly but had certainly gained momentum in recent years.

The Mama Papa shop is fading away!

It started with the kind of general store/minimart. When I moved to Thailand 20 plus years ago - this was where you bought ur beers, cigarettes, chocolate bars, mobile phone credit, a blue pen, a bar of soap, a birthday card, the list goes on and on. I know all my readers in ASEAN know what I'm talking about. And we all know that these dark, charismatic stores that smell mildly of damp and cooking from the back room with quiet nonplussed owners that never seemed to care about any kind of customer service have slowly been pushed out of business by 711, Familymart and Supercheap!

Here is a classic example of how a local store was when I first arrived in Thailand......

local store.jpeg

These gentle "Momma Papa Stores" as I like to call them have rapidly been pushed out of business by the corporate machine that is the mighty "Convenience Store"


Now don't get me wrong - of course progress is inevitable as economies thrive and the middle class grows. Why shouldn't Thailand's wonderful people enjoy the same convenient 24hour shopping that we take for granted in the west. But as an outsider looking in I can help but feel sad that we are so quickly embracing this fast food, convenience store garbage that really is very superficial and without character.

Next to fall and this is actually something very recent - the "Momma Papa Laundry".....


I have not always owned a washing machine in Thailand as I have moved around between different residences. Often I'm on extended travels in Thailand on motorcycle trips and otherwise. In every neighbourhood, be it downtown Bangkok, beachside tourist towns or rural villages in the dark heart of the rice bowl, there will always be a laundry. The owner is always sweaty and pissed off and unhelpful (not always but you know what I mean). They begrudgingly weigh your dirty clothes and give you a ticket and tell you to come back next year. Then you quietly ask if it would be possible that your laundry could be ready by tomorrow morning and they tell you IMPOSSIBLE! After much pleading and negotiations it is agreed that your laundry can be ready by 11am!

But look now.......


I hate these soulless laundromats. I really do. Where is the grumpy owner with the lying scales? Here I need to have a collection of coins, I need to buy powder and softener from a dispenser. I need to put everything in the machine and then it tells me I need to come back in 27minutes because my laundry will be done! But then what? What about drying and folding? I hate these places!

These are 2 example in Thailand of small businesses changing and corporate giants pushing the little guy out of the picture. I always make an effort to give my business to momma and papa but it is becoming increasingly difficult and dare I say it - inconvenient....:(

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