We run the hills

in #thailand3 years ago

Short story today in that we do a lot of hill climbs and that is not a bad thing necessarily. I guess it kind of depends on how feel about hill climbs.


Hills or any incline can be tough just like anything in life that is upwards, but it is a big part of what we do. Most of the time if the Hares ( the people that make the trails) decide that they want to do something different, they hae ot incorporate this into the routine.


What goes up must come down so if you fine yourself on a a hilly Hash there is a good chance you are going to come back down. It's all but guaranteed actually. In one of our runs in the past year this actually resulted in a long-term member busing his head open when he tripped over a rock on way down actually. That's the thing about mountains....... they tend to contain rocks.


Just be prepared for hills is you come to run with the Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers. Our members as especially our Hare (again, the people that determine the runs) tend to try to mix things up when making the trails.. Expect the unexpected!


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