My Child​ #53 : Check in @WU Sports Complex.

in #thai â€Ē 5 years ago

Hi, Dear steemian friends. How are you today?....I hope everyone is well 😃

āļžāļīāļĄāļžāđŒāđ„āļ—āļĒāļšāļ™āļ āļēāļž2.0-1576652976100.png


.....(Posted No. 350).....18/12/2019

  • This term, my daughter is studying swimming which is continuing from the first term. This course is 10 hours of swimming in total, studying 1 time per week, 1 hour per session. Due to the recent heavy rain almost every day and the weather is quite cold.The trainer therefore announced to stop studying for 2 weeks and today began learning again for the 3rd time around 9 - 10 am. Today I am not in a hurry like every day. Because the Swimming​ pool is in the WU Sports Complex, 4 kilometers away from my home. I take less than 5 minutes to drive.

Walailak​ University​ Sports Complex, Nakhon​Si​Thammarat​, Thailand​


  • WU Sports Complex aside from having a standard size swimming pool And there is also a football field with an amphitheater, athletics field, tennis courts, basketball court, volleyball court, takraw court , badminton court , golf driving range. There are many other indoor sports such as petanque, table tennis, fitness room, sauna room, There is also an artificial turf football have a great whether. When my daughter studied swimming me and my son went out for a walk. I walked while taking photos to capture the atmosphere.

2 swimming pools


small swimming pool


small swimming pool


The Children are learning to swim happily.

small swimming pool : 12 meters wide, 25 meters long, with multiple levels of depth from 0.05 meters to the deepest at 1.50 meters.


The large Swimming​ pool


The large Swimming​ pool


The large Swimming​ pool


the large pool is a standard competitive swimming pool with a length of 50.02 meters , 25 meters wide, 2.00 meters deep, which is open Monday-Friday from 3 - 8 pm.

The amphitheater, athletics field.


Football field



Football field

Tennis Courts



Tennis Courts


Tennis Courts

There are 8 standard-sized acrylic tennis courts with a specific knock-out facility.

WU Fitness​ Center​



Fitness​ Center​


Fitness​ Center​

Walailak Arena



Standard artificial turf football field.

  • Because the sports complex has a lot of space, So I couldn't take all the pictures. In the morning like this, the atmosphere is quiet. People will come to exercise here in the evening.





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My daughter and son


My daughter Ready to learn swimming


The Children are learning to swim happily.

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Thank you all for your support and see you soon 💗

@piyamas​ (āļˆāļļāđ‹āļĄ)​


Very big swimming pool!

Yes, there is a standard size swimming pool. If the weather is hot, I guess I won't miss out on jumping into the pool. ei ei ei 😆😆😆@kaminchan

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