
Did someone say braai? I believe you did!

Braai-People are good people... and so you've been rewarded with 0.05 BRAAIB tokens.

What can you do with a BRAAIB? Check out this post (Introducing BRAAIBs) to find out its worth.

Buy & Sell BRAAIBs: on Steem-Engine

!BRAAIB 1.234

!BRAAIB 0.1234567

this is a comment including !BRAAIB 1.23 in the middle

!BRAAIB 1.234999999

!BRAAIB 1.234999888888888

!BRAAIB 12.345

!BRAAIB 0.1234

!BRAAIB 1.123999999

!BRAAIB 123.456abc

!BRAAIB 123.456abc

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67958.74
ETH 3273.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65