Prestashop Website Testimonial addon by Knowband - Let customer do brand marketing for you

in #testimonial6 years ago (edited)

Sit back and let the customers do brand marketing for you. One thinks, how? If you have guessed testimonials, you are absolutely right. A right testimonial has the power to build value and trust among the customers. Prestashop Website Testimonial module by Knowband offers you an intuitive way to add and display the desired testimonials on the website. Help your customers by knowing about the website from the shared website experiences of their peers. With this Prestashop review module, admin gets a flexibility to choose and pick the testimonial they want to use for store marketing.
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Let us look at the features and benefits of how Prestashop Website Testimonial can improve the website credibility and drive conversions for your store.

  1. Simple install and configuration let the store admin handle the addon implementation effortlessly.
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  2. Enable and disable the Prestashop comment addon on a single click.
  3. Testimonials written by the customer can be approved or disapproved or marked as pending by the store admin from the backend settings of Prestashop review addon.
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  4. Schedule the old testimonials for automatic deletion using Prestashop review addon.
  5. Prestashop comment addon provides an interactive and responsive interface to the mobile users.
  6. Prestashop review addon lets you set the display preferences from three options: Homepage, left column or right column.
  7. Prestashop Website Testimonial addon displays any random testimonial from the approved list.
  8. Prestashop rating addon allows the admin to enable or disable Write Testimonial option from the backend admin panel of the module.
  9. This Prestashop addon supports SSL compatibility.
  10. Prestashop Website Testimonial addon provides Multi-Lingual Support also.
  11. Block or restrict a particular customer from writing the review using Prestashop Website Testimonial module.
  12. Registered customers who have been allowed to write a comment can only add a testimonial from their account page.
  13. With Prestashop rating addon, admin displays the testimonials on product page or category page depending upon the requirements.
  14. With the help of Prestashop review addon, admin can view and manage the customer list who have been either approved or disapproved for writing reviews.
  15. In case there is a negative review about the website, Prestashop comment addon lets the admin hide testimonials from the website front.
  16. Prestashop rating addon supports multi-store compatibility.

What benefits your customers get after posting the website testimonial?

  1. Customers can add the testimonial along with adding a profile image.
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  2. The shopping experience shared by the customers motivates the purchase decision of the potential store users.
  3. Prestashop comment module allows the registered users to review and rate the website.
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  4. The customer receives a confirmation email when his/her testimonial is approved by the store merchant.
  5. Prestashop Website Testimonial gives a flawless UX experience to mobile and tablet users.
    Prestashop Website Testimonial module link
    Prestashop Website Testimonial addon User Manual
    Admin Demo
    Front Demo
    Product Purchase Link
    Watch Video Tutorial

After you implement the Prestashop Website Testimonial addon on your store, you will see the best possible results. For more related queries, contact at [email protected]


Excellent work. Just wanted to add a couple of things:

  1. Questions to ask from the client who is making the video can be found here:
  2. Here we offer a collection of pre-made animations for a video testimonial:

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