
Good eye! It totally is. There's an annual kite competition down by the point every year.

But if you want to get some REALLY kickass windsurfing -- gotta scoot up-island about a 3hr drive and head to Nitinat Lake for Windfest! Found out about it a little too late this summer -- hoping to check it out next year. Apparently it's one of the best places in the world for kite and wind surfing.

Oh wow, I just googled the Windfest! Looks pretty awesome :-)

Btw are you interested to join the growing surf community on Steem? If you are on discord you may join our server there...

Yeah I'm into checking it out for sure. Maybe it'll motivate me to get out on the water a couple times of the stormy season here! A couple people I work with are into surfing too, so maybe I can rally a few more troops.

I'll join the discord for sure. I think I'm mstafford#1015.... Or you can just toss me the invite link -- whichever works.

Awesome, I'll reach out to you :-)

The idea is indeed to build a bridge between real life surf communities and surfers on Steem.

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