Life and its Tests

in #testlast year

They never come with a curriculum to follow. They just come as a surprise/shock whenever it’s time for a test. A test of what and why is one of the most common questions that are posed by those who are bamboozled by it. I too was once a part of that population, but ever since Life taught me how to sit back and learn from all these tests, I have stopped questioning.

What I have understood so far is the more you are attached to something or someone and try to retain it or them in your Life that’s when the tests start. Believe me when I say that it rips you apart to your core to such an extent that at least once you would question yourself if you really need to hold on. If you choose to, then your grit is put to test. If you believe otherwise, the pressure eases off. It’s not about if you pass or fail in the test; it’s mostly about your resilience through it. You may ask why the test when the Gods and Goddesses know if you are worthy or not, but then did we not give tests/exams all through our academic career even when the teachers knew of our caliber.

How do we sit back and learn, especially when Life is beating us black and blue? Well, that’s something we need to figure out on our own by pushing our limits of insight and perception, but if we want to evolve, then the only way is through. No bypasses or shortcuts whatsoever.

If we don’t want to appear the tests, then we need to detach ourselves from everything and everyone and surrender ourselves to our Creators. Then also, we would be put to test to gauge our commitment to the surrender we claim, but believe me when I say for I say from my experience, the addiction of surrender is a different high altogether unlike no other.

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