Tesla’s Death Ray – A Murder Declassified. Season 1, Episode 2-5

in #tesla6 years ago

September, 2016.
The FBI declassifies documents on the death of the famed inventor, Nikola Tesla.
The documents suggest that Tesla was working on a weapon of mass destruction called…
The Death Ray.
Did Tesla finish the death ray and was he killed for it?

This is how the documentary by Jack Murphy (military investigator, who prides himself to be a investigator with special abilities because of his military background), Cameron Prince (Tesla historian, who has been studying Tesla since he was a kid) and Aron Koscho (engineer of Tesla technology) begins.

I originally intended to post 1 comment per episode, but after having seen the rest I changed my mind. This “documentary” is an insult to anyone with half a brain (or more).
So let me not waste any more of anybodies time and get right to it.

If you missed episode 1, you can find it here .

Episode 2
This episode wastes your time with tunnel investigations that lead to nothing. So their conclusion is that grounding is very important.
Well, welcome to high voltage systems…. If you’d have any experience with high voltage you’d known this all along.
To show off his ignorance Aron then designs an insulator with ridges so to make it more difficult for a possible discharge. I really have no idea what made him think that a discharge would follow those ridges. Also a few 100 KV will pass through that nylon as if it weren't there.
Finally he shows us a successful (???) test: I see a Tesla coil discharge to a rod. I have no idea how that relates to Tesla’s “death ray”.

Episode 3
Jack, our researcher with special abilities, has finally figured out one of the names of the people who opened Tesla’s safe. The rest of your time is wasted on seeing them try to get access to the Tesla archives. They finally manage to get to see 5 or so documents.
Aron goes on on how power can be distributed through the air, displaying his utter ignorance when it comes to Tesla’s work.

Episode 4
The theory that Hitler sent Skorzeny to kill Tesla is disproven.
The Tunguska event is briefly mentioned, while it should be obvious that there is no relation to Tesla’s work as by that time no experiments were conducted anymore.
The only thing that I learned from this whole series is that Sava Sremac made an inventory of Tesla’s documents as soon as they arrived in Beograd and that he noticed that some notebooks had 5 to 10 pages ripped out. This, together with the 9 year delay in sending it over makes the US government the most likely suspect of theft of these documents.

Episode 5
This episode is a wrap up of the whole series and wouldn’t be complete without a final insult.
They show how their death ray makes a drone explode in mid air. Just like Tesla envisioned shooting down planes carrying nukes… ??? (there were no nukes that Tesla could have knowledge of)
Here are the frames I captured from the test that clearly show that the “death ray” never touched the drone and the drone was taken down with pyrotechnics.
Side view:

Closer up:

Top view that says it all:

Celebrating how they fooled us:

Well... not me!
What a bunch of fools!


I agree.
What a bunch of fools.

Tesla wasn't killed for inventing a death ray.
Late in his life he had already given up on such ideas and was working on what i can only mislabel as quantum energies.

Tesla invented several defensive weapons somewhere in the middle of his life. And the govern-cement supposedly turned them down.

And why does the "death ray" look like a Tesla coil?

I would have hoped that they would build a Tesla pump and got Tesla's idea for an open vacuum container working. I would like to have seen what levels of vacuum it could hold.

For anyone else reading this, an actual show about this would start with a long lecture about frequencies and the earth's/universe's frequencies and how they interact. Then it would get to talking about the aether, before going on to basically disprove all of "modern" science. And that would just be the preamble for this theoretical show.

Found Cameron in the i-net and asked him this:

Hi Cameron,
As you have been studying tesla for so long, you must have come across much disinfo. I have seen your documentary and wrote a comment on it that you can find here: https://steemit.com/tesla/@mage00000/tesla-s-death-ray-a-murder-declassified-season-1-episode-2-5.
I was wondering how does it feel now that you have added your own bit of disinfo?

Kind regards,
Ernst (tesla researcher)

Well, we will see if any response comes.

I don't have high hopes, but if there is I will post it here.

Have you heard of John Worrell Keely? Before Tesla. Interesting, interesting man. I just recently started studying John Keely because in a lot of ways his work is similar to Tesla's. Never heard of him before. I have always been fascinated with Tesla though. Hopefully, someone/somewhere holds his diagrams and inventions - other than the ones stolen right after he died. I would like to think that this world would be much different had his free energy and his work on frequencies been given to the world. Something that I learned a few years ago that stunned me was that Tesla apparently believed in eugenics - perhaps it was just the influence of those he was rubbing elbows with, but I was a little disappointed by reading that.

Well, going down that path, it helps to throw out all of the science you have been taught in school.

They discarded the aether with Michelson-Morley. Imagine the difference in science text books if the medium through which magnetism flowed was known and studied. It basically changes everything. Like how electricity flows.

Then you need to look at Newton, and consider everything he wrote down was to deceive any from following. So, gravity being a force of mass, needs to be thrown out. Calculus, is designed to keep you from seeing how fouled up math is.

Studying in this field will show that the positions of the planets have an effect on electrical experiments.

Have fun.

Oh yes! We've been severely misled. Why I like to dig around and learn what is not taught in the textbooks.

You might find this interesting. "Svensmark The Cloud Mystery" - It correlates with what you said about the planets.

Look, it is not their faults, that they have been trained to be fools.
They passed too much time listening to what other tolds them to be, away of themselves, they moved on to stup.

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