Israel is a protected terrorist [] Israel, teroris yg di lindungi

in #terrorist6 years ago

Israel is a colonist and terrorist protected by human rights and the UN

Israeli cruelty, single terrorists and colonizers can no longer be denied, but the world turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by these International Terrorists, notably the UN and human rights.

It is said that in the world there are UN and human rights,
what is the function of the UN and human rights? is it a function only when a small child of a Muslim pinches a non-Muslim teenager and then loudly they speak out against human rights and continue to be labeled a terrorist? But when Israeli Terrorists seize Palestinian land, displacing Palestinian homes, killing Palestinians no matter small or old, men or women are silent.

Is the UN and human rights only to convict Muslims as terrorists? whereas you are a world terrorist.


Israel adalah penjajah dan teroris yang di lindungi oleh HAM dan PBB

Kekejaman lsrael, teroris tunggal dan penjajah ini tidak dapat di sangkal lagi, namun dunia menutup mata atas kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh Teroris Internasional ini, terutama PBB dan HAM.

Konon nya di dunia ada PBB dan HAM,
sebenarnya apa fungsi PBB dan HAM? apakah fungsi nya hanya ketika anak kecil dari seorang Muslim mencubit remaja non Muslim lalu dengan lantang mereka bersuara itu melanggar HAM dan terus di cap teroris? Tapi ketika Teroris Israel merampas tanah Palestina, menggusur rumah warga Palestina, membunuh rakyat Palestina tidak peduli kecil atau tua, laki-laki atau perempuan mereka diam membisu.?

Apakah PBB dan HAM itu hanya untuk memvonis Muslim sebagai teroris? padahal andalah teroris dunia.

▶️ DTube

Situation in Gaza is shame and disaster... There are no other words to describe that...

Yes, because human rights and the UN is actually to protect the interests of Israeli terrorists...

To be more precise, UN is reflection of US imperialism. But world is slowly changing. And no power, Israel included, can sustain itself just by sheer, naked power, and military might in long run.

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