Why wars are meant to be sustained

in #terrorism7 years ago (edited)

Politicians being major shareholders in military hardware doesn't help.

It is the same within the motor industry all cars would have done away with petroleum long ago if it wasn't so profitable to the shares they hold in major motor & oil companies. Cars would last longer too they cant sell new ones as often if the old ones last. Even going back as far as the 70s cars lasted longer than they do now, Every time I see a broken down car at the side of the road its new or nearly new.

Wars are meant to be sustained by design they deliberately don't send enough troops in so it drags out. I think it was planned in WW2 that the Germans got as far East as they did then failed,

The real reason was so they could have 2 waves of attack on the Nomads that lived in between Germany & Russia. The Germans went one way & wiped out millions then the Russians came the other way & wiped most of the others out, We will never know the true number of deaths. The Nomads didn't have social security numbers & that was a problem for the elite.

All the soldiers are just used as pawns to do the job. It was the same in the 1st war it was just a population cull or even worse a holocaust. 'A burnt offering to their Lord Elohim'.

Human sacrifice has been going on since the dawn of time just like sacrificing a goat in ancient times they thought by sacrificing a goat it would remove the sin from them, That's where the term scapegoat comes from.

Patriotism, Political ideals & Faith are just used to gee up support from the poor public who literally sign up on the back of it & march into Hell fire for the belief that the establishment brainwashed into them via propaganda to begin with.

The native Americans, The Aborigines, The ancient African tribes anybody that lived naturally off the land were simply labelled as savages & exterminated in the the same way.

It is called a 'Holocaust' It is a Jewish word that literally means 'Burnt offering to God' & that is what they did sent them into Hellfire.

The Irony is that all of these nomadic people had original spirituality from the Earth they knew meditation & the benefits, They all danced to the stars (Heavens) in ritualistic ceremonies & they respected the land that they lived on.

These nomads came from every corner of the Earth & yet all believed the same without even meeting each other. The land owned them they never owned the Earth & they knew it. 'Not faith but Knowing'.

I'm sure some people reading this from the pilgrim colonies will be thinking 'Yea OK Prof but I know & live near them & they are savage'. Well they got drunk unfortunately & it was the pilgrims that gave them alcohol as well as murdering them or forcing them to change their spirituality at gunpoint, ruining their habitat & hunting grounds & then having the cheek to build all over their burial grounds.

Quite frankly its enough to give anyone the hump, maybe its the spirits of the same folk that cause natural disasters on Earth. I wouldn't find it respectful behavior if you built on my grandparents graves would you? How would you feel if someone with a different creed & belief forced you to change your current belief at gunpoint? Would you enter savage mode on them? How high would vengeance be on the list of your priorities? Worth a thought.


very good article brother , impressed by your work & I think we have same feelings about these issues. Already followed you & looking forward for more in future.

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