How to Stop Terrorism -- 100% Guaranteed

in #terrorism8 years ago (edited)

What i am about to share, would make sense to a kid. Yet, you may find yourself not agreeing. Why? is it because the truth is so embarrassingly clear?

Today, it would take a kid to know that nobody just wakes up one morning and decides to go kill people who's religious or ethnic or any other views conflict with theirs. Even a kid will tell you that it would take some very serious offence against them for a person to want to give up their lives to violently take the lives of others. That's an old trick really. Governments psychologically train soldiers to hate the 'enemy' who is allegedly preparing to attack the country or their way of life. This is humbug! That lie has far exceeded it's 'sell by' date.

The way to stop terrorism is simple -- stop BEING a terrorist. Coming from developed countries with state-of-the-art weapons and killing undertrained and ill-equipped (as we saw in Iraq) soldiers, innocent women in children in cold blood is terrorism. Doing it under the pretext of ushering in stability, while in reality coveting their natural resources is audacious. Not expecting retaliation is -- stupidity.

Governments plan these horrendous strategies and send young people to 'defend' what was not under threat in the first place and we let them. Let's examine why, at least within the confines of this space.

Why do our schools teach kids national anthems most of which have lyrics filled with hate, violence and destruction? Is it because that makes it so much easier to recruit them as cannon fodder or murderers when they come of age?

Why are government leaders always adorned with symbols (like flags, guards of honour etc) we are taught to respect and live in awe of, when in reality their very survival rests on the unrest they cause of their people?

Why have we allowed the media to 'programme' us for so long? Is it because there was no choice source for information until the Internet came along?

What is the real purpose of the Internet -- a tool that can be used to find out more about you than any police force ever? Could it be that what is being shown and seen as the 'power of information' is in fact the chain of the Global Police State?

So back to my initial question - how do we stop terrorism? Holding our Govt accountable is a foregone conclusion. Its always worth trying to unite against governments but it hasn't had the effect we need. Government is comprised of people who wanted to get paid for appearing to do the job, not actually doing it. They are only interested in the perks that come with the job and our security is furthest from their minds. They profit from the sale of arms used to kill or be killed. No gun was ever made to kill, they will have you believe. Bollocks. That's precisely why we make guns -- they give us a sense of security -- something badly needed after years of growing up in fear that our neighbours are planning to invade our land and massacre our family, simply because they don't pray to the same God, eat the same vegetables or wear the same sexy underwear, as we do.

Here's a video that spells out this problem quit interestingly.

So how can you and me, soldiers and freedom fighters alike put an end to terror?

If you're serving with the army -- QUIT and find a job free from the preaching of hatred and the dangers possible to you and others. Most soldiers eventually see through the medals and uniforms and false respect that Governments make people offer soldiers in exchange for their sacrifice. Eventually, soldiers see through the veil of deception and have only their regret as, ageing bedfellows. It's so NOT worth it. It is WAS worth it, presidents and prime ministers would be going to the battlefield too. They aren't. WAKE UP!

If you are a freedom fighter willing to give up your life to retaliate against the injustices of invaders then remember this -- you're no good to anyone dead. Fighting an aircraft carrier with a slingshot doesn't make you the Einstein of defence. It makes you dead. Solution? Buy the media if you can afford to, or use the Internet to try to get your side of the story told. When people see the death and destruction brought about the so called 'liberators' the righteous will rise.

Violence begets violence and it is totally possible to fight strength with determination and decency. India didn't think so but Gandhi did.

Stop the violence on all sides because you CAN and because it is the right thing do to and it certainly is the ONLY thing to do simply because this eye-for-an-eye strategy is blinding the world.


Do you think governments are so stupid not to figure out that?
I think they don't want to stop it because it's useful for them,

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