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RE: News By The Numbers: More People are waking up to FALSE FLAG Manchester Concert Bombing

in #terrorism7 years ago

Look what I am saying is, this guy on the video is coming up with a false flag theory and to back it up he uses a lie, how much credibilty can this guy have? We have someone who is saying a blatant lie, who is so dumb he uses a screen shot of a news article that says it is 1 year old (look at around 5 minutes on the video, also I googled mock terrorist attack in Manchester, it happened on May 10, 2016, I wonder why people don't use Google to corroborate these kinds of things) and tells us it happened on the day of the Manchester bombing and you expect me to believe anything he says? So I am manipulated and yet you believe someone who has absolutely no proof, just what he thinks and uses outright lies, I personally think the one being manipulated here are the people who believe in this video. Now it could be that it is a false flag, who knows? But the proof this guy gives is pure crap.


Forget what credibility this guy has.

Use your own judgement. With my own eyes I knew this was FAKE without anyone telling me. It's SO OBVIOUS THIS TIME. Just look hard for yourself, forget what people tell you.. You may find you are in fact victim of a massive hoax, to raise the terror level and implement a police state in the UK. If you can't see the connection, you are probably a hopelessly brainwashed slave.

Also the training exercise was last week. You are the one with credibility in source issues.

See, you jump to conclusions without even thinking yet I am the brainwashed slave, I am telling you the guy is lying look at minute 5:00 on the video it clearly says "this article is 1 year old", but do facts matter to you? Then you say training exercise last week, ok, all I saw was a picture of the police, I expect them to train, nothing new there and besides the point because this guy talks about a mock attack with actors which happened on May 10, 2016, but the event you point to still was last week, not the day of the attack, so he's still lying. It could well be a false flag, as 9/11 could be a false flag as a lot of things could be false flags, the thing is you have to come up with proof, not just wishful thinking. That there are a lot of real conspiracies around? I have no doubt about this, but I do need at least that the people who are trying to shed light on them not use lies.

I call you a brainwashed slave because it invokes a response..
If you are still calling the truth a conspiracy theory at this point, you are confirming your status as a slave. You are ruled by a secret government. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's a proven, known fact by many.. If you don't know that, you're still a slave 100% You probably don't even know who, or why they are enslaving you.

Ok, first of all when you resort to describing someone you don't know by a description you really don't know applies to him, it means you have stopped using any analytical part of your brain, you stopped using logic and have no arguments.
But let's look a t this logically and then you can call me whatever you want, we have this huge organization that is planting these false flag events all over mostly the US and Europe, it obviously is attacking muslims with these events because all of them appear to have been made by Islamic terrorists. You say that these guys use actors, would have to be hundreds of actors, because it would be the fatal victims, the wounded and apart from these their familes and close friends, you have to pay them off and then hope they don't talk, this is of course impossible, by the way why don't these alt news guys just send reporters to Manchester and look up the victims and if they do exist find out if they were really hit by a bomb. Now to me, you have this organization that has all these resources wouldn't it be easier to just kill a muslim, put him in a locker or room, make sure it won't be opened, put a timed explosive device there and just let it happen? If no people die no problem you still have a terrorist attack and if there are mortal victims well, that's too bad but it couldn't be helped, anyway the organization is amoral.

Just because you don't understand their plan, and motives, does not mean it doesn't make sense.

IT IS THE GOVERNMENT WHO ARE THE TERRORISTS. The do it to control you. They tell you your future in the movies (hunger games).. You are blinded by lies, and you protect the enemy. Open your mind, question everything. Find truth. Trust no-one. You will find that everything you think you know is a lie. That is a fact. They tell the truth in movies and music, and lie in the news.

I put a much more viable alternative and still all you can do is come back with cliches, and I don't believe the government is the enemy there are people who are far more powerful than any government, governments are just puppets. So I take it you understand their plans? You don't know who they are, but you understand their plans that's good. Anyway I'll see whatever else you post, see if you can come up with something a little more factual than the video you posted.

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