
You are one creative son of a gun

Thank you, I can have some moments ;)

Takes a lot of patience and talent, congrats on this!

nice vid. looks like a lot of work.

Thank you, yes indeed it is quite time consuming to build wargaming terrain. :)

do you do your own video editing? that aspect was well put together too.
i notice your rep is still going up...looks like many of the .sucks crew are getting voted down. if folks want to have an effect...gotta keep the rep up. i thought you guys understood...but so many are still helping him by commenting. and now new folks are defending him...kinda how i did in the start.
1 person making one well written comment will work way better than this wild peppering.
i have moved away from it really but peek in every once in while.
you with a 30 rep could be focused takes time....but troy is putting it in leg work...and some how it seems to be working. say the chances of a real paycheck are not high.....
honestly ive tried to figure how his rep has gone so high so quick.
it seems a mix of that he posts 4 posts a day and he responds to anyones comments...and you all have given him a lot of rep points in response and comments.

I imagine you're seeing but a portion of whats going on. There are pieces moving around the board. I do appreciate your insight into SteemIt, you turned out to be a fair minded individual.

Honestly. i know you guys call it steemshit...which i think is funny...but i really am here for the ideas behind it. which i am fully aware could turn out to fail. i see the whales and aspects of steemit are not as perhaps intended. but again...a space free of corporate advertisement and where the content providers and surfers benefit from the time spent/wasted is what i am in it for.
you guys have the troy as a reason for being here. i have read through much...i can understand how he became a target. but not being personally effected leaves me just observing. Most in .sucks have a great sense of humor. i am a sarcastic fuck, who tries to keep it can appreciate that side. i have done my best to be honest.
i see that @divecrewcanada got nailed last night. troy must be persuading some whales.
i see you have maintained a 36. my advice for you is true engagement in Steemit... steer clear of DIY as you grow and develop followers. but do as you will.
i am not judge or jury....but merely a minnow making his way.

@buttcoins See, the "Docs-hunter" flagged you down even though you have nothing to do with Troy. That's how Troy Reid operates... he finds people that are weak minded, or pay to get where he wants to be... not matter how futile and ridiculous this is.

On YouTube, he bought around 100,000 subs (through an internet service) so he can look important... but yet, you look at his view count and it is ridiculously low... He tries to sell "t-shirts" and out of 100,000 he can only sell 20, some of that 20 were bought by him and his mother LOL... I mean how ridiculous can you be...

All in all, he will do everything he can to avoid to get a regular and honest job. (It is clear that at close to 50 years of age and being unemployed for the last 6-7 years that the guy cannot hold a job... Now how did he get fired from a garbage disposal company beats me... I mean holy crap... that's hard to beat. And yet, Troy lies and say he was their "SEO expert, videographer and blogger" where all the videos that were found about that company... TR is nothing then a garbage picker appearing in a few video, and not any more important then the other joes beside him. sucks that i have been swept in. I think it is clear that i am not part of .sucks. if i am being flagged because i have been honest and real with you and oldcodge...thats not cool.
i stand by that i think it is best to ignore him here on steemit. that you should give that cartoon talent another vehicle to express itself.
And with those editing skills...more videos are obviously in order. there is whole gaming communities here and im sure given a bit of time you would thrive. Perhaps a new account for just the good stuff steemit is trying to do. the whole thing could fail. but my naive nature honestly believes that if enough people join for the right reasons...steemit could change the way people look and think about social could wake more up to that the game with facebook, youtube, twitter, reddit and the others is that 'Free" means we are the product. our attention is the product.
while steemit feels like funny money. it gives a value to that attention. a value that comes back to us. It is passive income. im not talking about making a living.
I think rather than taking the money out...better to trade it in to bitcoin and buy things on the ebay of alt currencies called cryptopia. seems a more effective way of generating value out of steemit.
i dunno...i know it is easy to pick apart steemit...and honestly i think it is healthy, but i really just want more people to join and see the potential that i see. if you guys all joined to harass DIY...but then discovered that there was something too the me that's my hope.
so have everyone keep knocking holes in it, that is what creates growth. just stay a bit open...let the window be cracked open for air flow. maybe after a year you only earned 100$, but you bought some gear for editing, or modeling with it.
After all my time spent on facebook, zuckerberg owes me and many others some gear....that is sure as fuck.

Good morning @buttcoins thank you. yes I do all the editing. The vote downs received just prove what we are saying about him. He stops at nothing, he pays whales to down vote people, aside the weak minded such as docs-hunter... Who is an individual who used to be a member of .Sucks and for who I had respect at one point... All of a sudden, it is like he got a stroke or something, his brain made a 180 and then started to be obsessed with someone who has not been in the loop for over 6 months... And now he is downvoting everyone that doesn't like Troy.. Heck, he even downvoted this video that is not even related to Troy. and as you can see, he down voted YOU as well... This is how things are around Troy Reid. Now you have a small idea of why some people are so freaking angry and emotional about this internet ghoul.

good use and abuse of snow, but the game deserves it a lot, after all its a frozen game FROSTGRAVE! kudos on those modeling skills! wanna play there so baddly with my sigilists.

Thank you :) I will have to post some of my terrain in different Blogs :) I have a pretty big collection of stuff lol

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