Sleeping Calf in front of “log brick” barn, Old Manali India

in #tepchallenge7 years ago

This is my entry in The Explorer's Animals in Black and White photo challenge.

[Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

After arriving in Manali, I took an auto rickshaw to the neighbouring town of Old Manali. From Old Manali, I walked to the outskirts of the town, off the road and onto narrow dirt paths.   

I stepped over fallen branches, around puddles, and over a few “cow pies” in the middle of the path. Soon, I arrived at this small, tranquil, rural community of a few farmhouses and barns that had been build decades ago. Such as this barn built of squared logs, simply stacked on top of each other.

This calf was basking in the sun outside the barn door. There were no fences anywhere, and the calf and his family and friends were free to wander anywhere. But apparently, they chose to stay near this comfortable home of theirs.


Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

Another intriguing shot, thank you for your entry. I thought the calf was chained to the building!

Just a snapshot.

(Also, as a fastidious and obsessive editor, I'm very pleased that you corrected "changed" to "chained." ☺)

Yes, I made the comment on my phone in a hurry, as I like to respond as soon as possible. Which in turn sometimes causes errors!

Another intriguing shot, thank you for your entry. I thought the calf was chained to the building!

Looks like you enjoy travelling. I rarely get to travel and this scene of a calf in front of a old hut is not really possible to be seen in my country of Singapore since we are developed country so all these old buildings would have already been demolished for modern accomodation! Thanks for posting!

I know, since I lived in Singapore for 5 years (2012–2017). But I used to see and hear chickens in the jogging path / park along Keong Saik Road. And I lived behind Pearl's Hill, and sometimes I'd hear chickens there, too.

But all in all, Singapore is a very modern and developed country, and an amazing place to live!

we also have the same scenery if you ever come into my country Bangladesh. It's a common scene in the countryside. Btw the way I liked your photo the way you played with light and dark in your click. This calf looks so calm and sitting in a way that it has nothing to worry about. Nice click with beautiful description @majes.tytyty

I'm sure there's plenty of such scenery in your country too. And I'm sure the calf was calm. Even I was calm during the 5 days that I spent in that peaceful, quiet village.

Great! Would you recomend to visit Manali?

No, and YES.

No, I would not recommend that you visit Manali, cuz it's just another city.

But I'd highly recommend that you visit OLD MANALI, which is a quiet, peaceful old town. I enjoyed walking the streets of Old Manali and sitting by the riverside cafes and restaurants.

Thanks for the info! Will take that in consideration old Manali then.

You always drop lovely shots, amazing. One question, it seems you have visited a lot of countries, is traveling your hobby?

Yep, if I have time and money, I like to travel.

Also, you will notice that much of my travel is thru Southeast Asia and the India region, where the cost of travelling is very low. ☺

😀 thats great. I love traveling also, just seeing different places is fun to me.
And don't worry money will come and with time you will travel around the world 😉

Aw! Such a cute little cow all peaceful. I would love to have an adventure like this sometime. Where did you stay when you were there?

Glad you asked. I stayed at RockTop Cottage, which is ... on top of the rocks. As you can see here ...

Oh wow. That looks beautiful. And you had a good hike to get up there. I'm guessing there is a rustic bridge somewhere over that river. The tree on the right looks kind of tropical, but it must not be. You have awesome photos!

Good point. There were 2 "paths" to the cottage. One was over the rocks, but the path ended half in from the road. So in order get all the way to the top of the hill, I had to clamber up the rough and rather steep rocks.

I found another way to the rear entrance, but that involved going through the neighbor's property. I managed to do so a few times, but then the neighbor "caught" me, and locked the gate. So, I had to go back to the "scrambling over the rocks" route. It's pretty safe ... as long as one is sober!

lol - That is not a place to be drinking! You could fall and get swept down the river!

Amazing photo. This calf is kept by some invisible ties with this shed. A photo that attracts and makes it look very long. Good luck to you and kind regards.

Великолепное фото. Этого теленка удерживают какие-то невидимые узы с этим сараем. Снимок, которые притягивает и заставляет смотреть его очень долго. Удачи Вам и Добра.

It’s so cute and very relaxed 😌

Question: what’s the purpose of null? Sorry, still newbie here.

In my wallet, "null" indicates that I've transferred the Steem Dollars (or Steem-Backed Dollars, SBD) to promote a post.

Generally, when you transfer SBD to someone, the history in your wallet will specify to "WHOM" the SBD has been sent. But when you transfer SBD for the purpose of promoting a post, the SBD is not sent to anyone in particular. (It might go back to original mined pool.)

Anyway, since it's sent to nobody in particular, the wallet history simply states "to null."

Okay, does it work? I should try it sometime. Is there a specific amount I should send? You just send sbd to null and the link?

Thanks for the reply.

I cannot really say that it works. I transfer only a little bit (say, 0.05–0.1 SBD) and then that post goes to the "promoted" feed. I do it occasionally for certain posts, but I don't think it has increased my rewards very much.

My prime reason for doing so is to get more exposure / more followers. For that minimal cost, my posts stay in the "promoted" feed for an extra week or so. I have noticed that they will get a few more comments (and maybe a few more upvotes) over that time period.

To promote one of your posts, just scroll to the bottom of your post. Look to the right side of the tags, and you will see a green "PROMOTE" link. Just click on that, input the amount you want to spend, and click "PROMOTE." Your post will then appear somewhere in the "promoted" feed for that tag.

Thank you for your very precise instructions. I tried it now to my latest post. Check it out.

Happy Valentines 😊

Great. Glad you could do it.

May your work be seen by more and more Steemians, and may your career on Steemit blossom and flourish.

Happy Valentines to you, too. I received no chocolate today, so I guess I'll just have to go out tonight and have a few beers. 😊

Thanks 🙏🏾
Here’s one Chocolate for you.

Have a nice day 😊


Very sweet of you!! Thanks.
So, here's a tiny upvote in return.

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