10 Random Things About SpaceStace


This seems like a pretty fun challenge so thank you @thekittygirl for tagging me in! Hope you all enjoy these 10 random things about your ol' pal SpaceStace.

  1. I pick things up with my feet.
    Is it laziness, or genius? I think it's a little bit of both. Once I became a mom, bending down for every single little thing sucked, so I started using my feet and can now pick up and toss toys into a toy bin, with my toesies.

  2. I've been around the world-ish.
    And now I'll name all the places I've been. Born in Northern California so I will start there. From Nor Cal to Spokane, Wa. Then Philippines. From Phil's to Ada, Oklahoma where I taught myself how to ride a bike and made my first best friend at 6 years old. Had to leave so we moved to southern California into my aunt's garage. Some of my worst and best memories was walking to the park close by and also walking to Wendy's. California felt the most like home but eventually I was forced to move to Philippines to study highschool. It had it's ups and downs. Now I'll just name off the other places I've been: Guam, Chicago, Bremerton Washington, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, S. Korea, Japan, Hawaii, and Idaho. I might've missed a place but those are the places I remember.

  3. I'll eat anything once.
    If it's edible, I'll try it. I wasn't always like this but I learned a very important lesson growing up. When my mom was fleeing from my dad and we could barely afford food, we went to a fast food joint. She had four of us kids and herself to feed. She had enough money to get us each a meal, but not for herself. My brother was upset and decided to take it out on his food. He got up and threw his whole meal in the garbage without any warning. That was the first time I remember seeing my mom cry in public. She was trying to tell him before he reached the trash bin to just give it to her and she'll eat it. She was so hungry. Since then I tried my best not to waste food and from then on, food was food. I don't remember being picky after that. But my favorite type of food is Asian or cali-mex. Specifically Any sticky sweet Chinese food, sushi, carne asada meals, and fish tacos.

  4. I am first generation American.
    My mom was born and raised in Philippines. I knew how to speak Tagalog at a young age but had to be taught again when I went there for highschool and some of college.

  5. I use to dance and choreograph.
    It all started as a kid at a family get-together. I won some sort of dance competition and that really boosted my love for dance since I had such a positive response. I went on to win another competition in middle school. Then choreographed in highschool as well as performed in concerts. My first audition was completely freestyle. I chose a song on the spot and just started moving. Sadly I stopped after being told it wasn't practical. It was quite a dramatic moment where my mom said no one will hire me when I'm old and ugly. I ended up running away for awhile but had to come back, I was just a dramatic teen. I still love to dance but just for the fun of it.

  6. I have 6 tattoos. I only like 3 of them.

  7. Transformers 2 was filmed on my ship.
    I was in the Navy, on deployment when the transformers cast and crew came aboard to film on our ship, the good ol' USS John C. Stennis, CVN 74. I was a cook at the time, working in the bake shop. I was baking some pizzas when out if the blue, Tyrese Gibson pops in and just grabs some baked goods. I froze. I had this dude's CD as a kid(took it from my brother). I ended up not saying anything to him. He just asked my boss what kind of baked goods he grabbed. They were nut bars. I was such a huge fan and I froze. I couldn't even say "hey, those are nut bars." Fail. Fun fact, my friend had an appearance on the movie as an extra. Pretty cool, huh?! She has like a two second scene with one line. She's pretty much famous now.

  8. I could calculate sunrise and sunset.
    My third Job I took on in the Navy was Quartmaster. While on watch we would learn to chart and our coordinates as well as calculate sunrise and sunset which was pretty cool. One if the cleaner jobs I attained as a sailor.

  9. I use to shoplift.
    At first it was because I couldn't afford things but then I started doing it for fun. I've never been caught. Stopped when I got older.

  10. Someone got my lips tattooed on them.
    After ending a serious relationship, I was at the end of a deployment. I ended this relationship soon after baking this super cute cookie. It was a bear shaped cookie holding a heart that said "I miss you." We use to work in the same galley but I ended up in the bake shop. So, I go to where he works and one of the food service assistance females comes up to me and said "Are you his gf? He told me he's never made love, ever." I just crumbled that work of art on the spot and left. Long story short, as soon as my ship ported Hawaii, I had me a good time and now someone has my lips tattooed on their neck. The end.

I hope you enjoyed these random SpaceStace facts! I actually got in contact with the person who got my lips tatted on him and it still looks pretty good. So now you know things about me! Enjoy the rest of your day. Cheers


#3 is a very touching story. I enjoyed the read!

Awe I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to share some important parts of me and that moment was one of many that I'll never forget 😊 Me and my mom doesn't see eye to eye but I hate to see her cry even once cause I always feel the pain so deeply. But from that pain comes important life lessons, so I'm thankful for it, all if it ❤️

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  1. aren’t that being smart?! Haha i do the same but not all the thing cause I’m bad at gripping the things with my toes!!!

  2. Which one is your favorite place that you’ve been to? Are you half pinoy??

  3. awwww. Hope you brother also learned his lesson! I’ve been trying to make my son learn this and we’re still struggling! Seems like it doesn’t sink to him yet 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. ok that answered my previous question hehe 🙃

  5. Nice.. some can’t dance haha look at me 😆

  6. been wanting to get one & I’m still being a chicken

  7. hahaha that’s so cool! good for your friend!!!

  8. Nice to know!! It seems like a pretty awesome thing to do!

  9. oh my. Hehehe

  10. awww the right one is still out there

Hey thanks lady for joining my challenge!! Hope you had fun because I did enjoy your Randoms!!! 🙃🤟🏻😊

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My favorite place is hard to say because there's always something about each place I visited that was so amazing! But if I had to pick I'd say, Japan. Best food ever. And Yup! I'm a Mestiza. Half white, half Filipina.

My brother is definitely different now lol. Although I don't talk to him much, I know he's a big fan of food that's for sure 😄.

I'm not holding my breath for the right one, hehehe! Yeah, I was pretty young when I was in that relationship, it's weird but we're still friends. He wrote me an apology letter and everything so there's no hard feelings. Turns out it was meant to be a prank on him. Sailors get bored on deployment and do dumb things for entertainment.

I'm glad you enjoyed this entry! It was pretty fun thinking up random facts about myself. I've had a pretty interesting life experience and I'm glad I get to share parts of it with you all. 😄🤗❤️

Awww hi there my kababayan! I’m pure pinay born and raised in the Philippines. I miss home so much!!! But now I live in texas.. Hahaha good for your brother!! We’ll let’s see what awaits for you!! Maybe your the one is just there waiting for you to notice him!!

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OMG I use to live in San Antonio, Texas! Where in the Philippines we're you from? I studied in Cavite but my mom was born and raised in Manila. And my Grandma was from Leyte 😁

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From where your Lola is from! I’m a waray, from Tacloban, Leyte! Hehehe and now, here in Mission, Texas! Like 4-5hours away from San Antonio.. where are you currently right??? Us or Ph???

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I'm not sure where but my Lola was taken from Leyte at 13 so she spent most of her life in Manila after that. Currently I'm in Washington state, ang lamig dito!!! Hahaha

Hahaha the opposite over here!!! Though it still gets pretty cold during winter!!! I can’t stand the cold!! I swear hahaha good thing the whole house is centralized. I won’t have to worry about the cold.. that’s so nice you’ve been to many places!!! Enjoy it while still single!!!

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dis looks fun. i has takes dis to make my own?

Yes! I was supposed to tag peeps. Consider yourself tagged! Lol

Hi there!! Check the details! Would love to read your Randoms!! Follow this link right here —> https://steemit.com/esteem/@twodorks/10-random-things-d9251110d8e6f

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ya i traced it back, stace should maybe make me a particular question...

A particular question? Hmmm @torico since it's October, what was your favorite costume for Halloween and why 😀

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Don’t worry I can provide you one! Hehehe

Here’s my question, and consider me nominating you!!!

Is it okay to sacrifice one life to save ten? If you said yes, would you change answer if the one life was a friend’s life and the ten were strangers? If no, why not?

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I missed Texas! I've been to San Antonio Texas and Dallas Texas.

Very interesting!
I've been to a bunch of places, but not that many.

My dad was in the Navy so that was part of it and the other half was when I joined and cruised to all the Asian places. When I went to Hong Kong I took a trip to their "sea world" and they made me throw away a whole cake I just bought 😂

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Loved reading your responses! I pick up things with my toes sometimes, too! LOL! So many places you've been, wow! Love that you can calculate sunrise/sunset times! Sorry you had such a hard time growing up, but you seem to have risen above the problems and done well. Big hugs to you, and thanks for participating! 💖

Thanks so much! I thought it was so interesting how that one moment changed my whole view on food! I was so picky before then. I use to be the last one to leave the table because I didn't want to eat. It kind of made me a chubby kid afterwards though LOL and nowadays I'm getting use to being a chubby lady. Food is love 😄❤️ Making cheesy potato balls for the littles right now 😍

BTW I loved reading yours as well! I use to have a nice shoe collection as well! I loved high heels back in the day, they just made my legs and butt look so perky! Hahaha now I'm rocking the sexy potato look 🤣 Just got my sneakers left.

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"sexy potato look" 😁 Love that! LOL!

Hah, great to learn these things about you. I can relate to some of it for sure. How would you compare the educational systems in the US and the Philippines?

Btw, thank you for being active in The Philosophy-Forum discord server. Slowly I am going to be trying to focus on that again.

I have no experience with highschool in the u.s. but I will say studies are a big priority in the Philippines. Even though my school was an international School it was a requirement to learn Tagalog since the teachers still taught mainly in Tagalog. I didn't do too well in school but I think that was mainly due to culture shock and what I was going through at the time. I'd get up for school at 5am and leave school around 6pm if my memory is correct.

And thanks for having me in your server! I love all the different varieties of channels. Great place to find the kind of content I like to browse 😄

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