
Img source: https: //expansion.mx/tecnologia/2018/09/07/4-de-cada-10-mexicanos-prefiere-usar-efectivo-en-los-e-commerce

The world roars agitated. People seek shelter. It is safety time; time to abdicate the game. The body asks to sell the shares and shed all greed, seeking the warmth of comfort and home.

Shares fall. Gold up. And silver. And Bitcoin. People flee to cash, where nothing bad can happen to you.

Have sweet dreams.

However, central banking is sleep apnea that will not give you rest. It will be in charge of issuing and issuing currency, roaring its sinister printing press and devaluing what they can devalue.

Its biggest enemy, deflation. Why do they hate her?

Deflation transfers wealth: it leaves the debtors and reaches the savers. That may not sound bad, but the problem is that people run out of income. And that's where the problems start.

Riots are in the offing.

When deflation knocks on the door, the bank gets the funk. To cure his fear, he begins to issue money like never before. The bank tries to maintain control, but when the machinery is activated it is difficult to stop it.

Stagflation first. Hyperinflation, next stop.

That cash that you saw so surely is your greatest enemy. Don't think about it any longer. Run away for gold, silver and Bitcoin.


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