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We live in the era of the air conditioner; personal assistants; the cult of the body and the thousand and one rights. Life must be friendly ground, placid territory where to spend Monday in the sun. Any requirement becomes tyranny, unworthy of a being protected by the sacrosanct human rights.

This river of thoughts flows into the sea of ​​a weak human being, fearful of five hundred evils and helpless before the cruel reality of the world. Adults do not want to grow up, and they like to suck eternally from the mother's tit and turn the world into a protective uterus.

Overprotected and childish.

This thought is reflected in the regurgitated education about children. A soft and undisciplined education, destined to manufacture eternal infants with easy tears. The culture of overprotection creates frustrated adults out of nowhere, unable to solve their own problems and creditors of perpetual victimhood.

Beings without responsibilities are unhappy beings.

All this paranoia ends in a world where children are beings of light. A holy grail symbol of all goods, which we must preserve from evil without allowing them to defend themselves against that three-headed snake. Safe spaces abound, where tender infants cannot witness aberrations such as a lit cigarette or a glass of alcohol caressing the gaznate. However, such children will be subjected to the antihuman educational torture, where the school system will be responsible for locking them in an illiteracy that will be difficult for them to escape.

And also, we turn the exception into a norm.

Based on isolated, minority and disgusting but fortunately scarce facts, a restrictive and pernicious legal framework is created, a friend of castrating children's individual creativity for fear of improbable events.

Thus, as in some countries we have, for example, restrictions on the practice of certain sports because they are considered too competitive ... or typical of a fictitious toxic masculinity. Pedábobos, prefer to keep children in permanent vital nothingness, breathing like vegetables rather than experiencing chaos and ecstasy of living.

And is that someone who sacrifices their freedom in the name of security, will undoubtedly lose both.

It is played with trauma; Fear worship. The company acquires paranoias inoculated by the media and the educational cartel. Endless demons that chain and shake our society.

At the dawn of existence, when the elderly turn 70 or 80, the butterfly of fear of death begins to sprout. This panic is typical of a generation that played in the fields of life, sometimes experiencing sweet victories and other bitter defeats. It is possible that the children raised today, do not fear death but praise it as a liberation, since the thousand fears with which they have been handcuffed will have pushed them to fear their own lives.

A hell from which it is almost impossible to escape. Remember only, the increases in vivid depression and suicide in developed countries. I leave it for reflection.

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