Children today are no longer like yesterday. They last longer. They have alkaline batteries. In some cases, childhood lasts until forty years.

Now a question of rigor, when did this process begin? A look back in history shouts us that things were not always like this.If one travels to the past, you will see tender infants hardened by life, joining the arid world of work to the 12 or 14 years. That is in the advanced countries, because in the places of underdevelopment, the theft of childhood continues to be the norm and custom.

What happens in the West? In post-modern Europe, boys, girls and youngsters see their tender and sweet childhood expand towards an endless horizon.First, the long years of compulsory education, moments of leisure and waste that, for law, they must extend until the sixteen years. Some, happy of the idle honeys, and lovers of the picarsia, like to increase this holiday period a few more years, even going so far as to make it indefinite.

Years later, repentance will visit them.

What is the consequence of this? First of all, a delay in the personal maturation. The children, subjected to an eternal schooling of low demand, see how the challenges of their lives are consumed between the four walls of the classroom. : no skill is learned beyond the memory imposed by the duty officer.

Because of the above, young people arrive at their first job, place where, inevitably, a host of monumental character is stuck. The skills learned in Institute and FP serve, if I become generous, for less than nothing. From the operative point of reality, it proceeds to pass through the crusher to all young people who, by imposing educational goodness, are deprived of the opportunity to face the world and progress.

This infantilization, also moves to the field of personal relations. It is common and usual that, to form a stable partner, people wait at 30, because youth is to enjoy without ends and forget responsibilities. If we talk about children, then procrastination lasts until 35, because before it is impossible to consider forming a family.

This process, consisting of prolonging education, having students evaluate teachers, endlessly claiming the rights of the child, etc ... creates, without a doubt, adults whose development progresses slowed down to the demands of the real world The burrocracy, by law imposes that adulthood should not reach 18, being postponed sine die.We have a society full of young and immature complainers, addicted to emotionality and dehumanizing social networks, lovers of exposing the individual as a fodder for consumption.

What is the solution to this? Of course, a cultural change must be set in motion.China, as the future empire that will rule humanity, will not tolerate sentimentality or cynicism to other nations. The postmodern progreces will be no more than a foot of page in the ridicule of history, being mercilessly devoured by a reality that will seek us wherever we are.



great post. the solution , get rid of the internet & let kids play out like the use to .

Can you please only use #tenkminnows tag once a day. thanks

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