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Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock, brought out his TZero Project a few months ago. His intention is to tokenize the actions of Wall Street and facilitate the task to investors. In turn, Polymath is in an ICO to move forward his project , which aims to give life and presence to the world of security tokens.

What is a security token? How can you see in this post, a token that represents a real world asset? Something that the investor will buy in order to obtain a profit. In short, the arrival of cryptography to the world of traditional actions .

Why is this happening?

Well, with the arrival of the Internet, we saw how the investment in the stock market was facilitated until it reached everyone. Anyone who used digital banking services could access a broker and operate in the markets, eliminating the old entry barriers in paperwork, phone calls or meetings with the personal broker.


The digitalization of operations allowed many to access activities such as trading, and made the common investor's life easier.

So, why cryptography?

Because the Internet can not stop advancing, and once an achievement is achieved, it is necessary to go for the next one. The tokenization of the actions, the use of the blockchain and the proliferation of security tokens, will give rise to the following effects.

Open markets 24/7: we will no longer depend on brokers. This will cause investors to be free from Monday to Sunday to operate in the markets, as is the case in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Suppression of intermediaries: the tokenization of assets, will make many tasks automatic, taking jobs such as broker to be dispensable. The user can buy and sell when they want.

Decrease of commissions: the suppression of the man in the middle, will give foot to that the operations can be carried with substantially cheaper costs.

All this opens the way to a long-term trend: the tokenization of the economy. The aforementioned technological and economic advances will cause many companies to want to get on the cryptography bandwagon. If the utility tokens market reached high figures in 2017-and we hope for its recovery-no less small can be the impact of security tokens, which seek to remove the deep foundations of the economy and rebuild them from their base.

And here's the article today. If you agree with the analysis, or if you want to contribute another point of view, you can leave it to me in the comments. Even more!

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