Spain, an Iberian nation located in southern Europe, is experiencing a convulsive period these days. One of many, because its idiosyncrasy is cainita and its complicated history. The air is stale. Society cracks. Polarization swarms in the corners. A dull tension conquers offices, roundabouts and terraces.

But, how did we get here? In this series of 3 articles, I will try to shed some light on the uncertainty.

Spain began the new millennium mounted in a bubble. The floors sprang from nothing, and the country became a paradise of concrete and asphalt. Squirrels, once said to jump from tree to tree, now seem to do it from crane to crane. The money of the people grew, and thus a social archetype was born: the new rich. Tacky and excessive, this was a friend of opulent meals and expensive brothels. To drive, what better than a BMW; and to live, the best thing was to pull chalecito and mortgage. Housing went from being a luxury to an investment. Unemployment descended and social conflictivity diminished. Everything seemed happy. The people were idle and free of problems. Prosperity had arrived, and people liked to enjoy football and watch television firecrackers undressing their lives-and sometimes not just their lives-before the audience.

A conformist society and free of problems.

That in the social plane. Politically, a grown up Aznar chest with an absolute majority. Spain painted something in the world, and the right-handed president was determined to free the country from his shame. Armed with his ego, he enlisted in the photo of the Azores, and while the opposition, to grapes, impotent and directed by a semi-literate of last name Zapatero, he was writhing in the mire of his own rages.

But one day, everything changed.

Everything seemed under control, until on March 11, 2014, three wagons exploded at the Atocha station. The attack was brutal. The largest in the history of Spain. And also another thing: it happened three days before the elections. Government and opposition, played their cards in a questionable manner. First, the terrorist group ETA was blamed, but quickly, the opposition went on to point to the terrorist organization Al-Qaida. The opposition theses triumphed among society, and in the elections of March 14, the socialist Rodríguez Zapatero He was elected president.

Well, what happened at the end on March 11? The majority of the society, the judicial sentences and the mass media, support the version of the Islamist attack. However, there are still those who point out loose fringes, and the thesis that the attack had other causes is still strong.

But let's continue.

What did Zapatero do in the government? Well: the socialist leader found himself a prosperous and moving nation, with the public accounts full and in continuous growth. In society, little presence of disinherited people eager to vote to the left. So, we had to weave some invention to seduce the voter.

Thus, a cultural war landed in Spain. The institutional left, willing to mold society according to their convenience. The first battle of cultural warfare took place in the past. Specifically in the civil war and the Franco regime. The law of historical memory, came to review with intensity this period, bringing out again to shine the wounds that were believed already forgotten. The second front of battle, took place in the plane of gender. The Zapateril government began with the delights of inclusive language, the quota laws, the discriminatory law of gender violence-which condemns more to a man than to a woman facing the same crime. -If it were not enough, he began to give his steps, with public money, a ministry entrusted to these tasks.

At that time, porridge made people laugh. Jokes swarmed over governmental occurrences and ministries with more skirts than brains. However, the harmless nonsense, filed years later in society with the patience of a Chinese drop. Today, the population, once disenchanted with these approaches, is besieged by the economic and political power of the feminist beach bars, which suck the tax money to not give it to the causes they claim to defend.

When one has money, one gives oneself to vices. In Spain, the economy grew at 4% and unemployment at levels of 7% - very low taking into account Spanish structural unemployment. The public debt was controlled and there was a surplus in the accounts. In that situation, with the money flowing to baskets, one can tolerate the caprices and memeces of a government. But, Ay friend! The economic crisis arrived and the thing became serious.

But it would be true.

The year was 2008, and jobs were destroyed faster than quickly. The unemployment climbed and the deficit grew without brakes. While the world was collapsing, the infamous Zapatero was unable to deal with real problems. It had brilliant occurrences, worthy of the bullfighter fireman or the guiness book of hake. Among its greatest hits, we have the plan E, consisting of the superb genius of asphalting the already asphalted and removing ties to save heating. The measures, of course, were financed by squeezing the very diminishing public money.

The economy deteriorated and, exhausted the repertoire of zafiedades, the government surrendered and decided to betray its electorate. Thus, the Zapatero government decided to apply right-wing measures, cutting public spending and applying a labor reform.

The socialist electorate, burdened by unemployment and fear of it, mounted in anger at the betrayal of its rulers. A ghost ran through Spanish society; capitalism was now in question; all the promises of a bright future dissolved like a cloud of sugar. The anger made a mess, and ended up crystallizing in the form of protests.

He was born on 15M.

Manifestation of the 15-M movement.

A postmodern protest Without leaders or concrete proposals. The demands? Citizens of varied nature showing their nonconformity to the state of things. They do not know what they want, but they know what they do not want. Soon, a new left would capitalize on this message, and would see the light a party created for those disappointed with the socialist party.

While the anti-capitalists were taking their first steps, reality was going in other directions. In the elections of the end of 2011, the right swept before the low participation. Absolute majority for the popular party and a long era of thinning and adjustments, but that is a thing for the next installment.

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