
Source img: https: //www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-internacional-52114455

In our recent history, we have seen how a pandemic-sadly-attacked the health of the entire world. The US is a particularly affected country, as it faces a scenario where the baton of command in the world could pass to China.

The US has been badly hit by the virus and also after China. This means that while the Asian nation sets the recovery machinery in motion, the US has yet to prepare for the worst.

And then there is the soft power.

China has taken the opportunity to throw out a checkbook and propaganda. Spain and Italy, two severely affected nations, received help from China rather than from the European Union. This reality increased the popularity of the Chinese state in these countries, while fueling anti-European sentiment.

The “One Belt-One Route” project is known, with which China intends to extend its international influence. Originally, it did not intend to take Western Europe, but the division of the European Union will facilitate it to advance and create areas of influence.

Italy, in the midst of disputes in 2019 with the EU, has already asked to join the Chinese initiative, a request that was received with disdain by Brussels and Germany.

Thus, we can conclude that a new geopolitical era is underway. China aims to extend its tentacles over a formerly American world, and the Yankees seem to be retreating.

The local economy of the USA, is going to go through hard times, and also the collapse of its shale industry will make it lose geopolitical influence.

American hegemony is over: welcome to the Chinese world, or at least the multipolar world.


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