10 FACTS, 1 LIE: The Reveal!

in #tenfactsonelie6 years ago (edited)

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i am waiting for the story :) i have a story in my mind of what happened.
also sending the package probably tomorrow, i am an expert in procrastination.
Edit: just read the Russia story, you lost your passport in Russia and they told you to say it got stolen :D

@bil.prag hahaha! CLOSE! I've been to Russia for a month, but also to Argentina, which is where the passport story plays :') I will soon share the story :D LOL!

And take your time with the package, I'm the biggest procrastinator of them all :') I think it's an artists thing :-)

Hahaha finally we got to know the lie! It was very unexpected darling!😂❤

Hahaha! I'm glad I could play you all a little ;-)

I knew the double jellyfish bite had to be true lol! Haha, it was so odd it had to be true lol. These were fun! And poor Goofy was likely looking for breadcrumbs? I almost picked the right one cos it was rather "normal" too haha. Almost!

Hahaha @yidneth, yes, that one is hard to make up ;-) But... POOR GOOFY? Poor me! He was getting a LOT of bread, no need to bite my hand :')

What a reveal it is! And what a tricky lie ... hahaha. You covered it up really well. Some of the facts seem te be unpossible, some seem to good to be true, but your lie ... that's one that could have been true so easily. Good job!

Haha! Thanks @hetty-rowan! Fun to play it like this :D

I love people who travel. So many stories and different perspectives. :) Thanks for doing this and giving me more insight to wonderful you!

You learn a lot from traveling and I always recommend it to those who can afford to do it. It's enriching and interesting to encounter people who live in a different way and to see for yourself how you take a lot of things in life for granted that actually are not 'so normal' :-)

Thanks for stopping by!

HAHA, I love this!! I love how you wrote out the little story about each fact, so fun to get to know these little details about you. See you around!!

Hahaha, THANKS! See you around indeed :D

I would not have guessed right either! lol Great post, I love the stories behind each fact :)

Great post. I didn’t take a guess on the lie...but I don’t think I would have gotten it. A post about all the countries you’ve been to would be fun.

Yes, I'll surely be making that post soon @jfolkmann! :D

Aww these are so funny! I can see how hard it would be to guess hah and that's such a bad luck with the jellyfish! Also, 26 countries is pretty impressive :)

@julimattos - It's maybe a bit easier if you live in Europe and have so many tiny countries close to one another :-) But still, it's quite a big number indeed! :-)

That's why is even more impressive! Ooh yeah but even living in Europe I never went to so many countries I think.. gotta do the maths! :D

Your list was really interesting and difficult! You are totally right- since you travel a lot it was easy to see you studying abroad somewhere for half a year!

I am going to look up Ushuaia- that sounds incredible :)

LOL - Yes, it was basically the one fact most overlooked! Thanks for stopping by! Had a lot of fun with your list too :D

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