Winner of my 10 facts and 1 lie!

in #tenfactsonelie7 years ago (edited)

So here are the announcement of the winner of my 10 facts and 1 lie post.

@gifty-e Congratulations you were the only one who guessed the right lie 😉 good job!
I transfered 1 sbd to you and again thank you for guessing!

And now to the facts and the lie


As I kid I actually broke my collarbone on a cycling trip with my class. How?
Apparently my breaks didn't work so I couldn't slow down and as I got to this place I had to choose to crash with a parked car or a street pole.... I dunno why I chose the pole 😜
Or did I?

Yes this it true and the bone actually didn't completly broke untill I slept on it


I hate clowns and actually punched one in the face at a circus 10 years ago... Lol Why?
Because of all the people in the audience he had to pick me to go up and I really DIDN'T Want to so I struggled like crazy but he didn't let go.
So ya I punched his face but still lost and got dragged to the arena..... Or did I? 🤔

I know many of you thought this was the lie, but it's actually totally true 😜 I punched that clown in the face cause he didn't let go,but I was still dragged up there


we even had matched clothes.... God I hated that clown..... Lol


I worked in a factory once and I was running a mashine for 4 years and packed labels in boxes.
I was the only girl in a place full of guys and it wasn't always easy.
At a point the company wrote in the paper a lie and I didn't think at that point what my next move would do or the consequences.
I called the paper and called out that lie and of course the next day it was in the paper and the boss was not happy. But hey me eather.
Lies are not acceptable so from that moment it hot worse as I suddenly had the whole company against me and all the people I thought were my friends turned their back at me.
All because you tell the truth!

This is true and was not the best time of my life but I learned a lot and sometimes alone can be strong, but wish I wasn't


I once got bitten by a goose that apparently had a thing for my legs and he just didn't give up untill I said AJJJ and got a little freaked....
Then he stopped 😜 Assgoose!

This is true and I had company so I had to play brave even if I was freaked 😂😂


When I first got my driving license the instructor told me that I made everything so complicated as I could have chosen much easier choices but made hard ones instead 😁🚗 lol
Made it with flying colors tho.... Or did I? 🤔

This is totally true and having a father who is a driving teacher it wasn't the first time I heard that 😂😂😂 I'm so


I once raised up a tent in a low tree just to mess with a friend that totally deserved it 😁
Looked kind of cool but wasn't very appreciated
But I had a blast.... Hmmm 🤔 did I?

This is the lie

I never did this even if it totally sounds like something I would do...Lmao so I was lying😲


I once drove a boat all the way up on land as I just hadn't drove one before ever 😂😂😂
So embarrassading and I blame them for forcing me.... Lmao 🚤

This is totally true... Sorry Boss 😜
I did this when we went fishing near our summer house and I was pushed to drive... Didn't go to well... Although we got on land only a little bit to early and in another way... Lol


If I ever drink red wine 🍷 I mix it with coke as it's the only way it's drinkable 😝 lmao
Same thing with beer... Coke and it taste different wich is way Better 😋

Very true 😋 I know I didsapoint some but I haven't learned to love wine yet so only way is to mix it up with coke 😂
Beer is the worst thing and bearly drinkeble but again with coke.... You can get it down..


I have been struggling with eating disorders in both ways. It started with being sick after loosing half my weight and I got some help. Then after years of struggle I got overweight as a result and I had to struggle all over again to loose all that. Weard but it's actually harder to gain weight when your underweight than loose weight. Or is it?

This is true and was my hard struggling years cause of lifes sercomstances but I got through it and here I am 😊 what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? True!


When I was 5 my cousin lifted me up hanging upside down under the stairs and thinking that I could hang there in my legs myself.
Of course I fell down on my head and actually got a Lego in my head as I landed on one.
Had to operate it out.... Lol
(didn't help much as I'm still as I am)
Or mabye that Made me like I am 😂😂😂

I know it sounds a little unbelievable but it's true, my dear cousin didn't know better and that Lego just had to be right were I fell...Lol
Well knowing my luck it's not that hard tobelive


I have many nicknames as you know and it's sometimes comfuses me to.
But my name Sassafrass actually came out of a type error by our sweet Boss @enginewitty and it just stuck 😜 lol

Yupp this is also true and first time I saw him changed my name to Sassafrass I was like 🤔 Whaaat? Sounded like a dishcloth or something.
But then it grown on me and today yes I am his Sassafrass.... Lol


Thank you!!

I wanna thank you all for reading and guessing, I hope you had as much fun as I did 😉
Loved reading your comments and now you know what the lie was.

Have a wonderful Sunday and stay your beautiful selves... Love you all ❤️❤️❤️


If you want to vote for a witness that are worth your voting then go and vote for @enginewitty
A man with a huge heart and who accept you for who you are and never hesitate to help in whatever way is needed 😊 Best boss!
Sounds to good to be true? He almost is but I assure you his real so go and vote 👇


I'm so glad you punched that clown in the face, he deserves it! And when he signs up for Steemit, we will flag him too! :D

Hey Awsome 😉 Yes he totally deserved it and good to know if he ever shows up here that we will flag his ass 😂😂😂 Payback!!
I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday dear.
Hugs 🤗🤗

Hahahahahahaha..... I would have done same too I also support the flagging too. Haha!

Clowns are the worst, what kind of madman ever thought that they were funny or cute anyway? :D

That kind of madman called a clown!
I don't like clowns, and I hate embarrasment more.

Yeah I know me too... That clown was the worst 😝😁😁lol

There's nothing cute about clowns in any way 😂😂 only looks redicoles... Lol

Wooooww! I'm honoured! I just checked my wallet! Thank you so much, I'm so excited!
Wow, this should go to my new baby in the house, but I'll be sure to make wise use of it.
Thank you to the woman with a beautiful heart. Much love💕 @saffisara

I'm glad that you are happy sweetie and so well deserved 😊 a new baby you say?
Congratulations my friend 🤗 Hug her/him from me. Ok I will send you a little baby gift 🙌❤️
Have a wonderful week and stay as you are.
Big hug 🤗💕💕

Wooow!! Thank you much! It's a he, my baby cousin, I want to be the best cousin/aunt i can be!
Have a blessed week😘

Don't mentioned it 🤗 it's already there.
I know he is blessed to have you as his aunt and hug him for me 🤗 cheers!

Your hug has been duly delivered.🙌

Aww... So glad to hear that dear 😊 how are you all doing? You and the baby and his mom?
Big hug🤗

I was so surprised 2days ago when I checked my wallet, I couldn't help but rush to my aunt and show her, we were overjoyed at your kindness, and I guess Kamsi knew cos he started smiling.
Thank you so much @saffisara God bless YOU!

Wow, congrats to her. She will be super happy

Thank you much @emjoe, grateful for your safe journey.

Yes she did good and I hope she will be 😉
Good to se you dear missed you 🤗

I'm sorry about my absence. Imade a journey of 12 hours

No worries dear I know you are doing amazing things and you are So excused 😊 just happy to hear that you are well.
Talk soon. Much love 🤗❤️❤️

Looks like I was wrong, hmm. You had me fooled.

Aww.... Sorry you were wrong my friend but ya that was the lie about the tent in the tree 😉
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!

Sorry I missed the guessing part! Not sure that I would have guessed the lie. 😏

Your so forgiven my friend and we can't read it all... Well only one person got it right s I guess it was a good lie.... Lol 😀 have a great day. 🤗

I honestly thought the lego brick thing was a lie, that must have really hurt! I could see you pitching a tent in a tree though - how surprising that one was a lie. I totally understand you lashing out at that clown, but remember they are always one step ahead of us....

#thealliance 🎈

Ooooo..... 😢 that clown is out to get me!! Lol
So you think so, yes I'm sure that did hurt with the Lego in my head but I was 5 so not much memory of
Yes the tent in the tree... Funny cause it's absolutely something that I would try if I could 😂😂😂 so me.
But punching the clown isn't really me but Oh boy did he ask for it... 😜😜 totally... Lol
Thank you so much for always making me smile with your comments 🤗 cheers! 💕🦄💨

hahaha aw. You too cute. ya got me :)
Would love to have seen you punch that clown lmao

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