TELOS: Telos Contributors Call | October 2, 2018

in #telos6 years ago

TELOS: Telos Contributors Call | October 2, 2018


Votes (⅔ + 1 requirement):
Shall the Telos Contributors Group adopt the Telos Foundation Governance and Voting Token document. Vote Yes, No, or Abstain.
Vote Results: Yes - 30 No -1 Abstain - 1
Shall the Telos Contributors Group adopt TIP-9 the Telos “Original” Snapshot as written? (Yes, No, Abstain)
Vote Results: Yes - 22 No -4 Abstain - 3
Shall the Telos Contributors Group adopt TIP-10 Telos Activation Process? (vote yes, no, abstain)
Vote Results: Yes 29 - Unanimous
Shall the Telos Contributors Group adopt TIP-11 the TLOS Token Exchange Reserve Fund? (vote Yes, No, Abstain)
Vote Results: Yes 27, Abstain, 3

Request for law professionals to be involved with Telos arbitration
Request for devs to look at slicing pie app.
Next Telos meetings are scheduled for:
16:00 UTC Friday October 5
16:00 UTC Tuesday October 9
Board nominations have begun with 6 nominations! Our goal is at least 15-18 nominations for 12 executive board seats. More please. You can nominate yourself or someone else. Outside directors are encouraged! Will be captured on a website page soon.
Telos still needs a Telos Foundation RAM Administration Director. Looking for an honest person of high ethical standing who and strong understanding of economics and trading. Hoping to have at least two candidates for initial start.

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