in #tellyourstory7 years ago (edited)


  • Life before Steemit ?

Before I plugged into Steemit, I was very isolated from people. I am an iraq war veteran and I have lived with disability compounded by chronic illness for over a decade.

I do live a very healthy, minimalist lifestyle for that reason.

I don't go to the VA hospital for care anymore since they ( willfully ) damaged me more than when I went in there, and they probably couldn't cure anything if they wanted to, just more and more tranquilizers which I do not condone ( for myself ).

So I'm home allot, usually trying preserve my physical resources as best as possible. I have been progressing physically through juicing ( carrots, lemons & green apples ), light exercise, limited stress and a fair amount of sleep.

To my surprise Steemit has given me a new optimism and is the beginning of my journey into Crypto.

More than that, it seems like walls I've constructed consciously or otherwise in an effort to insulate from unreasonable people, stress and anxiety are breaking down as I submerge more and more into Steemit. Feels Good.

If I had to give a word to define how i find myself feeling throughout the day here on Steemit, it would have to be Gratitude.

Connecting with people and trying to provide the right word or expertise at the right moment feels really good, and then there is the crypto rewards for quality effort too...

It's my position that Steemit is a unique, organic digital paradigm shifting creation.

Nothing else anywhere offers the same features, benefits or concept.
-I'm sorry I waited a month to get started, but I'm Grateful I'm here now.

  • How you were introduced to Steemit ?


I first heard about Steemit on Youtube. I have about 30+ channels I check daily for new economic based videos, and a few who'd lost their youtube revenue recently had been commenting on this thing, Steemit...

I was reluctant because although back in college I lead a team where we built php/mySQL storefronts from scratch, then I got sick and lost better than a decade ( remember Dreamweaver 4.0 ? Yea that was me designing GUI in DW ).

But I found I was clueless to the newer block chain platform.

I didn't understand the crypto language, and not being employed for so long was unable to buy my way in, so I felt sad I could do nothing in crypto.

Then recently one day I got a spark of inspiration to just take a look. I don't remember the source but I felt motivated to try.

I created the account and pulled 84.95 on my Introduction post. This got my attention real fast because it's something I found I could do regardless of how my body choose to behave that day.

And now I claim Steemit as my personal little gift from Universe...

  • Who introduced you here ?

It could have been a couple people on youtube:
-probably bixlives ( his Steemit name )

  • What's your channel topic ?

There is a Topic ?

Funny Dog 2.jpg
Just kidding...

As I stated in my intro ( below ), I'm about self-improvement, silver stacking, current events, how-to, and generally whatever makes me laugh.

I have a todo list of topics I initially want to cover. These are first-hand things I've learned and used as an alchemist in the recovery of my good health.

How I make my own colloidal silver, how I created my own ionic foot bath which will out last me by a thousand years ( not like the cheap store bought versions ), how I grow & juice my own wheat-grass, how and why I drink Sodium Bicarbonate, how I do a liver flush of over 2000 stones for better health, etc, etc.

I have 416 off topic videos in youtube, None of them were ever monetized. I am revamping my entire production concept to cover the above topics in great depth here on Steemit.

I'm all in, it's all about Steemit going forward even if the videos reside on YouTube.

psyco Thumbs up.jpg

  • Your hobbies and interests ?

Being unwell definitely limits what you can do. But I am getting healthier, and having less bad days.

So on good days, I usually walk the dog, watch movies, eat : -), surf the web, watch youtube, netflix, etc.

-I've always used youtube for learning more than for entertainment.

But actually since joining Steemit, I don't hardly have time to watch any of my 30 channels, I haven't even been checking the spot price of Silver. All I've been doing is trying to learn the system and interact with others on Steemit.

Another hobby / interest is stacking Silver. I can't buy anymore since my income dried up, but I managed to sock away over 2700 ounces in the last 10 years by sacrificing all the fun things in life to buy more...

I mean I'm poor, sick and waiting for confidence in the $ to fail so I can upgrade my life, that's probably my primary hobby.

Note: ... and I'm getting damn tired of waiting ;-)

Now all I do is my chores around here and Steemit all day long.

  • Your best and worst experiences here ?


Well my two best experiences were:

1, earning 83.95 on my intro + various comment credits,
2, realizing I'd received 9 awards for benchmark achievement,
3, and it's been very healthy and reaffirming for me personally connecting and supporting other people.

-this is sort of where that gratitude part comes in for me...

And for worst,
-there really hasn't been anything bad that has happened,
-there was one guy that was trying to argue a his limited perspective on Silver, putting words in my mouth I didn't say, and I just don't have time for young, argumentative people who think they know more on a subject that I have lived for over 10 years.

In short he was suspiciously hammering the case that silver would go to 10 USD, when I know better - so I respectfully moved on. I'm not here for that old school forum monkey poo throwing behavior, I've never been ok with that.

  • Life after Steemit ?

I don't really know what to say, I don't look at it that way.

This is the beginning of a new crypto currency world for me, I believe crypto is the currency of the future ( along with physical Ag & Au ), and I hope and expect Steemit to be around for a long time.

But I think I answered the question, crypto is the future and I can't outlive the future...

so... Probably Reincarnation or something like that...

  • BONUS QUESTION worth 10 extra coins:

Bonus Question.jpg

  • What do I fear about investing so much of my time and energy in to Steemit ?

I see Steemit as potentially the most unique, organic, feature rich, benefit rich, paradigm-shifting crypto based social platform that has ever existed.

Nothing else even comes close.

And with that comes a great opportunity to grow personally as well to prosper. Maybe even change your life.

I think for me the key word is Organic.

Once you start letting the Rush Limbo's, Rachel Maddow, Mark Dice + plus football stars + politicians + Celebrities in here, all of which are already rich, or have rich sponsors to load up in SteemPower, what's the point of little minnows like me even being here ?

Once these Big Shot users start bringing in staffed million dollar studios it's not the same as what we all love now. Then it becomes just another facebook with a twist, and that would be a complete & total shame because i don't & won't facebook.

That's my only fear.

Thank You for allowing me to participate. I hope I win... :-)

I wanted to use my Intro because I worked so hard on it, but felt that might be cheating.

However, Way-More about me here ( w/Pics ):


Great post Roger! Glad i'm following you and thank you for your service.


Thank You damus, feels good, like I'm doing something right, I like that. Cheers

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