Tell your story contest - my story

in #tellyourstory7 years ago (edited)

Life before Steemit

So I found out about Steemit a few days ago when my son started talking about it. Then he came to visit over the 4th of July weekend and things got even more interesting. First, it took awhile for my account to be approved, but then I started really having fun.

Picture this... mother and son sitting on the couch side by side typing on laptops in the dark. Light shining onto glasses causing a slight glare. Little dog is tired of getting ignored so he wedges himself under the blanket between us. Then comes the deep sigh from the dog. (As long as he's not licking himself under there, I'm cool with it.)

So it goes like this... "So, hey, how do I resteem something?"
Son breaks concentration to answer mother. "It's that little arrow thing. Click on that."
Mother asks, "Where? I can't see it. "
Son sighs and says, "It's right there."
Mother hovers her curser over a few items and finally discovers the resteem arrow. It doesn't look like a regular arrow so of course, it took me a few to find it.
Mother looks over at son who is concentrating on his post. He is working on a pic he made in microsoft paint for an educational lesson he is preparing. Such a smart kid.
Me (mother) on the other hand is giggling and posting pet pics, flowers, other random stuff and then trying to figure out how to enter this contest.

Got it.

I think.

We'll see.

Hmmmmm... meanwhile here is a cute doggy pic just to make you smile. Thanks for reading!



Nice post Michelle! I like how the kiddos are explaining the new technologies to their mothers these days :)

Awesome post :)

Glad you liked it.

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TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64867.61
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55