Tell your story contest - Story of The Unreal Mystic

in #tellyourstory7 years ago (edited)

Why Unreal Mystic?

Well I am not mystic yet, but love to explore everything that is part of this world and beyond. Human imaginations and greed are infinite and so are human capabilities to do extraordinary things. How? I do not know yet, as I am unreal mystic.

Upside down.JPG

Current Status
As of now I am working in one of the biggest European Bank. Somehow I have a feeling my job will not stay for long (thanks to technology) and therefore in search of an alternate profession.

(Wait for my blog on 1. The future of banking and 2. What will humans do)

Discovering Steemit was an accident.

I created Steemit account just to reply to one of Steemian who had consolidated a wonderful analysis on Ripple. While his analysis was more about historical events, I just wanted to reply by adding some of my thought from future point of view.

Then the reality stuck – What you get paid for writing your blogs. That too in Cryptocurrency. This is awesome.

Not only did I create my account, now my entire gang in office is boarding the ship, Steemit and Cryptocurrency (as a whole) are major topics of our discussions during lunch’s hours and coffee breaks

Life Before and after Steemit - Discovering Self and uncovering hidden passions

Before Steemit, I was just a banker and a struggling husband.
Now after i actively started using Steemit, I am still trying to uncover my hidden writing skills and my old passion for discovering and understanding physical and meta-physical activities.

With Steemit, I feel at least there is some audience where I can discuss, talk and learn more about some of the topics that I like

• Crypto currencies
• Evolution and Mythology
• Karma and Life After death
• Psychology
• More topics to be explored

Social Media has never excited me the way Steemit does. My efficiency in office has increased, since I want to quickly finish my work and research about my new post or say Hi to like-minded people here.

Hobbies and Interests:

  1. Physical Fitness: Yoga and Running, have been practicing Surya Namaskar for last two years. The benefits are amazing, completed 10K marathon
  2. Reading: Mythology
  3. Healing: Natural Remedies and Reiki (it is effective)
  4. Trek & Travel: Mountains, Jungles or Beaches
  5. Food: I do agree the path to man’s heart is through the belly, can experiment with anything as long as it is vegetarian.
  6. Biking I love my Enfield
  7. Sketching

Trek to Kheerganga
Himalayan Trek.JPG

Biking all the way to meet Shiva

Shiva with my pencil
shiva sketch.JPG

Best experience.
Seeing darthnava recover using funds collected on Steemit was and is my best experience here. That’s the power of collectivity. A collection of drops makes an Ocean. Get well soon Bro.

Thank you for reading,
The Unreal Mystic

Flying Yogi.JPG


Hello @bsameep Thanks for sharing your story. It's a very well written introduction. It's nice to hear your enthusiasm!

Since you like mysticism, mythology and related subjects you might want to follow @esoteric-trail. It will help you to keep track of posts with related tags and take part in challenges that promote the tags and esoteric content on steemit. :)
Check out tags such as magick and spirituality to get an idea.

You are also very welcome to join us for a chat at SteemMagick Discord Server.

Welcome aboard. :)

Thank u, never knew about this trail... Will b watching it now... Thanks again

Ah Shiva! One of my favourite deities! Nice one!

Welcome to Steemit @bsameep!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here! If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me. Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

hi @Bsameep:) Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit ! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure! Here you can win money while bloging ! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @khunpoom!

hi Bsameep I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me .

Sorry to bother you bsameep, for a second, but can you someone do me a favour any quickly reply to me. I gotta test something steemit related?

Does it have to be bsameep?

Thanks again.

What are u testing?

I'm writing an information service for steemit. You can try it out by replying. But it's only in the early stage and I don't know if it will work.

All d best.. results will be achieved if objectives are clear and problem statement is so simple that you can explain it to 5 year old

Hi bsameep. Welcome to steem community! Great post, I will follow you. Please follow me too at @gaman

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Welcome! Followed. Follow me back 😘

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