Big Brother's Got Their Back [my entry to Tell a Story To Me]

in #tellastorytome5 years ago


This is my entry to @calluna and @bananafish contest Tell a Story To Me.

Big Brother's Got Their Back

Marylin didn't love the school. She was listening to the lecture just because she had to. During classes, she'd usually orbit the view around the room not much interested in the lessons. But not exactly all. There was one that she was very interested in. It was "the synthetic chemistry". Not about the synthetic chemistry itself, she knew nothing about it. The only thing that paid her attention was the young, handsome professor. Just because of him she was callusing the ass in the chair and didn't take a look out from the screen.

During the lectures, students interchanged messages via the school application. Just those messages didn't have much to do with the lessons.

Samanta to Marylin: Hope your wet dreams about the pro not become true. Bitch!

Marylin to Samanta: I'm so sorry you'll never feel some hard stuff, princess. So keep fingering yourself.

Samanta to Marylin: I'm so sorry you'll never feel the velvet touch of Sillydumbing dress. So you'll always be scrambled by Redneck collection rough touch.

Marylin to Samanta: Better feel a velvet touch of a dildo, cause you're not for the better.

Students were lucky that the professors couldn't read those messages, otherwise many of them would be expelled from the school. On the other side, operators who were monitoring the students' conversations didn't pay much attention to this type of messages.

After the class was over, Marylin closed the application. There were more important things than some boring school classes. She had to meet Josh in the evening, but so that parents don't find out. She was sure that Josh will find some way to cheat the monitoring system the parents have used to control her adolescent behaviour.

Phone ringing broke her thoughts. She rushed to the phone hoping it's Josh calling. Unfortunately, it was the mom.

"Honey, I have a very important conference at the job now. Take lunch without me today. Sorry, my dear, it's an unexpected situation."

"Okay, mom."

"You know how to use the cooking app for the refrigerator?"

"Yeah, mom. I've been using it for a thousand times. Will you realize I'm not a little baby anymore? I'm sixteen."

"Okay, dear. Just asking. Kiss you. Bye!"

"Bye, mom."

"Why he never calls exactly when I want?" Marylin leaned beard in hands. "If he doesn't call in five minutes, I'll call him. Or maybe not. I'm the lady. It's not proper for the lady to call the first. He's a man, it's up to him to call the first."

Nevermind. It was time for lunch. She took the phone opened the app. But she doesn't know which meal she wants to eat. After a brief minding, she has chosen puree with mushrooms in bechamel sauce. And now, she had to do a very difficult job, going to the dining room. She was too lazy to stand up and walk. It was much simpler to set the chair gyro pilot app to take her there. She wondered why someone didn't make a dish that could come to her itself. If everything is automatized, why not be a meal.

The chair drove her out from the room through the couloir to the dining room. From the mom's room, she heard her fully concentrated speech but didn't hear the voices of her colleagues from the speaker. Apparently, the conference was very important, whereas mom put the headphones on the ears.

Dad already was in the dining room sitting in his gyro chair. He was watching some video on his tablet and laughed out loud. The dining table was lowered before the refrigerator that was still buzzing while cooking meals.

"Come to see this!" He said noticing Marylin.

"What's that?"

"Kalahari people," he lifted the tablet so that Marilyn can see the video.

"Oh my dear," she said pityingly. "Poor people. How can you laugh to them?"

The scene was really funny. It wasn't funny that those people were almost naked, their stature was funny. Their back straight like a stick, legs that weren't awry and straight shoulders. These peoples' caricatures made her father laugh to tears. But the joy was interrupted by mom's phone call.

"Ben, quit laughing that loud. I have a very important job to do, you're deconcentrating me."

"I had a very trying day at the job today, Clara. I want to relax."

"I don't want to argue, Ben. If you want to relax, you can do it quieter. Or I won't extend sex contract for the next month."

"Alright, Clara. As you wish."

After the meals were done, the refrigerator threw them onto the dining table that lifted and moved to Marylin and her father. Ben pressed a button and salt cellar flew up and landed on the table.

"How was at the school today?" He asked.

"Good. As usual. You had a tough day at the job?"

"Very though. Boxes fell in the sea during the transport, so some QR codes were damaged. The forklift sensor couldn't read them."

"Will you have a problem cause of that?"

"I won't. Programmers will solve that. It just took my nerves out. Anyway, are you going out tonight?"

"Yeah. With Monika and Wilma. We'll have a gyro car party."

"Don't come back too late."

"Don't worry, dad."

After they finished the meal, Ben pressed a button that opened the wicket on the table and swallowed dishes.

Josh finally called her for a date. He and Mark were waiting for her a few blocks away. Josh was one of the most attractive boys. His awry legs with inbent knees and question mark shaped back made every girl horny.

"Mark gave us a favour," Josh said. "He hacked the gyro-car monitoring system."

"Yup!" Mark confirmed. "I have hacked the algorithm. The camera emits old shot, but it recognizes the clothes you actually wear and display it on the old shot. So your parents will be sure that you're in company with Monika and Wilma."

"Thank you, Mark! You're a genius!" Marylin smiled broadly.

"It's nothing," Mark said. "If you want to thank me, say to Monika some pretty word about me."

Josh and Marylin greeted Mark and got into the gyro-car.


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Hi vasigo,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Great story. Very believable characters, funny plot, not so funny prospects for a highly automated future.
Technology should scare people. It has not done it yet, despite all the red flags.
At least there will be plenty of room for geeks to shine.

Well, as I can see, technology slowly begins to rule the people.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello there @vasigo!

That was quite a story. Indeed it is close to reality. With the onset of technology nothing seems not accessible if you know your way around any computer. And things now are mostly automated!

And kids today are quite addicted to gadget even more.

Congrats on your curie love!

Cheers! ❤

Posted using Partiko Android

Reacción (Reaction): So, first, congrats on the @curie upvote. Secondly, what the hell with old societal norms with newer technology?~ :p - Ladies still told they can't be assertive or be the first to call? Seems very restrictive for a field of technology codeveloped by males and females and all those beyond them. Thirdly, automation (and less "smartsy-fartsy") seems to be king here, then again there are aspects that automation and smart technology will intertwine and be inseparable due to their high interdependence of each other. Quartic, finally a story on THE WORLD WIDE NET where I read kids finally hacking something and not being brain dead idiots. Quintic, seems more like a story mocking a probable future we all could be heading. Sextuplet, this story is very obviously optimistic that our culture and ideologies will just copy-n-paste themselves here - yet we do need stories like this to highlight how crass our current society is.

La filosofía (The philosophy): Well if my last sentence did not ring anybody's alarm system or detection for red flags... lemme rephrase!~ :p Basically, the story is taking our current material conditions (abstractly and rather metaphysically) and plop it in a World with bettered technology. Not because the focus is on how society is actually reinforced or changed by it, but how very regressive our current society is and posing this question: do we wish to optimistically follow through the current conditions or to accept they shall change and do something to help change it? Not because it was explicit in saying: "demand the impossible." But because of the implicit play-offs of each crass events from the Horace Mann edusys (education system) still being active. To the reaction/consumer culture of the dad who can care less of the World around and just shut down instead of using the rage for changing the World around. To the mother doing work at home, still committed to a double burden of domestic and industrial labor. To the daughter just all about with being glued to the new tech (like people were with TVs and newspapers). The crassity of modern life taken to a logical conclusion with the technology of the future. That's the call, not that we should accept but actively deny it. That it's disgusting and we have time.

La forma (The form): Now other than the fact I have not seen a reason for her to not be a bit more (breathes) lesbian with her friends considering the expanse of technology - considering ancient people were doing it like it was hot cakes - and all that, let's move on. This, as mentioned in la filosofía (the philosophy) very much is taking the logical extremes of existing social relations and cultural conditions and automation-smart-technology only a mere assistance to that. Dialogue standard for literature, but the text messaging dialogue was golden. And of course the wordsmithing of each sentence seemed to run fine enough with @curie - and I agree with their outlook of the story. Beyond all that, stock-standard Cishetero relationship which should have a place in literature but that market is saturated like how overproduced milk was in the USA that that milk was used to make cheese. I like to see the milk of cishetero male-female relationships to be turned into cheese - which then that became massively popular in USA diets. What the hell that cheese be? Maybe more polyamory (more than one <3 interest), bisexual (all is to be pecked and loved) and demisexual (emotionally-based romantic-sexual relationships) kinds of stories to be quite honest. Not a criticism of you, but the oversaturation of stories with this relationship as the main one.

So keep on reading and happy steeming!~

I enjoyed that it was a mellow and fun piece throughout.

Congrats on the curie!

Your world setting is wonderful, the conversation between the two girls is just so entertaining

velvet touch of a dildo

that just got me giggling! But this is a brilliant way to demonstrate the acceptance and lack of care the people in this world have for their monitored messages. You expand on the prompt so well, moving from the passive monitoring we currently have - where things record but no one listens, to a more active monitoring where there is an operator on the other side. You tie some aspects of smart technology into automation, jeez fridges that set the table, that would be awesome, and bring a more human element back to the monitoring aspect, which is a very interesting way to go, as it is where we may end up!

You build this world with background details so wonderfully, the conversation about the cooking app in the fridge that feels natural, like a over-fussing mother asking the obvious for the hundredth time. Suspect google craplate let you down again on this bit 'beard in hands' - i suspect you wanted chin? (not that it takes away from the story) but this is a great bit of teenage angst, the great debate of 'should I message him' that I am sure he was going through on the other side.

The dependence and reliance society has formed around technology comes across so very well, and you contrast that beautifully with the rebellion of teenagers, they will always find a way to give their parents the slip.

I love that humanity itself has physically adapted to a more sedimentary lifestyle, and the idea that deformities caused by the use of tech has become an attractive thing is brilliant. Just as bad teeth and being fat is considered attractive in a culture where it is strongly associated with wealth. For as far as humanity has moved forwards, they are still governed by the same base instincts (mating and reproduction) and in this story, it actually feels like they have become more ruled by these drives. The sex contract was another really amusing moment, the idea that something so mutual and natural would be contracted, but then in a world of smart tech where everything comes with terms and conditions, why not that too! Although that did get me wondering about how relationships would work if instead of vows of love, people wrote out actual contracts, stating what they wanted, what they would give, i dunno, maybe more couples could stay together. Then again having to do something in a relationship because its in a contract, as opposed to because you want to, probably isn't going to do long term good.

I also love how you contrast a group of people who live outside this society, it feels like a parallel to Brave New World, only maybe a little closer to a parody of where we might actually end up.

A great story, amusing and equally a little scary, and most of all, really got me thinking! Thank you @vasigo <3

~ Calluna

PS - Voting is open! Head over to the round up post and let me know which entry was your favourite for an extra chance to win!

Hi @vasigo.

Your story is very descriptive and shows us a very probable future, where the television series LazyTown is honored.

Congratulation for the @curie upvote

I can only imagine the trauma that will result in the society you paint in your story if the day comes when the electrical system stops working for a year!

Thanks for sharing!

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