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RE: Comfortably prisoner - Tell a story to me contest

in #tellastorytome5 years ago

Thank you for this synopsis, it seems that the message arrived properly and I am pleased.

My protagonists die because the system with which they fight is much bigger than them, but, sorry to have rushed things in the second half and not take the same narrative rhythm with which I started and thus be more detailed at the ending.

Dystopia is an important genre for me, "1984", "Brave New World", "Fahrenheit 451", made me see the world in a very critical way. and realize that we are really living in dystopia here, by the way, they make the people more ignorant, poorer and dependent on the country's administration, a cruel and giant system that unfortunately if you dare to fight, they only kill you like Winston, and everything goes on its course.

By the way, Snowtin and Aliju are anagrams of Winston and Julia XD.

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