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RE: Beneath Leadmere Manor

I absolutely love it, I have now died several times just for the fun of it.....
I loved these books when I was a kid. This is genius setting the contest entry up like this and some of the other posts seem to be freewrite entries as well. This was very well played and great stories with a good bit of attention to character dev.
Do you have any more of these planed?
I've actually been trying to plan a business book out in this type of format, more of a guidance books pick your option and turn to page ...


Thanks! I don't know how soon I'd do another of these, they're harder than they look but it would probably go smoother if I weren't also trying to follow freewrite prompts.

A business book like this would be very interesting.

It looked like a lot of work, but it was a fun read. I always admire working smart, and using parts of it for free-writes etc. was smart, why use it once when you can use it multiple times, and get paid multiple times.
It's a project that I hope to finish one day, just don't know how the business world would react.

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