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RE: Disaster Watch: #Tellastorytome

in #tellastorytome5 years ago

Dear Erika,
Thank you so much for stopping by. Always you bring a refreshing perspective. I agree, I do enjoy writing a whole story. I think it's the rebel in me. This one was a combination of science and fiction--very much so. I think I was influenced by recent readings on your blog and @abigail-dantes' about consciousness and AI. The idea of foretelling the future, of having senses that we do not understand, this was interesting to me. Instead of writing a fairy tale, I explored current science and learned that some humans actually can detect changes in the magnetic field of the earth. After exploring that idea, I wanted to create a character I liked. No sad or horror story for me this time. I wanted something positive :)
Glad you appreciated my portrayal of the sour individual. That was fun. Reflected the personalities of some sour people I have known. It seems they rarely have nice things to say about others. Who needs that in a life mate?
Thanks for the book reference. Sounds interesting.
I hope the second part of your summer is as interesting as the first. One of the greatest gifts anyone can have is the ability to enjoy. You seem to have that in spades.
I wish you peace and health,
Your friend,


Oh, the AI's, yes, they kept me busy for a while and do it again and again. I am happy to have been a part of your inspiration. I also feel that the blogs I've read over the months from you and others influence and motivate my content.

LOL: It's often much easier to write about the sour characters than about those who have integrity. :-D In any case, I feel that one helps to develop the other and that contrast is the framework on which to build a story or relationship.

As you know, I am someone who likes happy endings very much. There are just so many sad ones in the real world. I appreciate this one a lot!

I read some old blogs yesterday and followed our dialogues. When we knew each other less, we talked about something and I asked you about your age and told you mine. You said: "older". :-D

Do you still think about the travelogue from Italy with your mother? I would really like to read it.

Your Erika

Hi Erika, 🌟
I am less discrete now than I was in those early dialogues--it is true. With my next blog, I will be completely unmasked (as to age 😅) I am writing that blog about my 'Grand Tour' of Europe with my mother. This will be nothing like yours, I assure you. It is great fun to write this, although so much is gone from memory after these many years. I think the important parts remain, though.
Thanks so much for the inspiration. My mother used to say, be careful of your company. I am careful here on Steemit. I have the best company.
Have a great summer my dear. Am on the lookout for your next distinctive blog.
With great affection,
Your friend AG

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