The TV Hero Complex

in #television7 years ago

I have noticed that many of my contacts on social media are obsessed with the idea of a given tv hero. This is to be expected since television is providing us with more and more of these models. Literally every other series revolves around a hero who is mostly a loner, intelligent, honest, sarcastic, daring, an underappreciated unique snowflake that nobody understands but somehow ends up saving the day (and preferably the world).

The producers of these tv series are very well aware of the current human condition. Social Media has estranged most people with their environment, allowing stories of grandeur to fill up their minds. Producers craft their storyboards around this narcissistic trend, hoping their audience to reflect and generate profit.

This is the same trick religions used with their gods and prophets. A special snowflake goes through a ride of passage that ultimately rises above all creation and reaches salvation. We create stories that fullfil our deepest desires. We realise our condition and we are afraid. Our mediocrity and eventual demise, surrenders our identity to stories that elevate us to something greater, unattained. This is how hope becomes such a valuable commodity.

Social Media and TV series are fueled by this obsession towards perfection. In both instances, people present themselves as they wish others to perceived them. Everyone is more or less aware of this charade but still, everyone falls victim for the same illusion. This leads into a perpetual whirl of marketable deception that eliminates the dreaded mediocrity and rather presents the extreme as the new norm. The video with the million likes, the fool that gets ridiculed. These are extreme events but they appear in our feed as normal. The normal on the other hand has disappeared.

Pop culture has made us more psychotic than ever before. This vast availability of TV stories has overwhelmed our generation with mirages that take us further and further away from reality. In the past, we had 2 maybe 3 religions, stories of grandeur that most of us reflected in order to get on with our lives. Today we have one for each and every one of us. The devious hacker, the brilliant detective, the loner teen.

The frame of these stories is also important. Most successful ones revolve around a cataclysmic event, a global collapse — yet again reflecting the same old religious narratives. The average human being is dissatisfied with the state of the world —and most importanlty — his own mediocrity. This is why paradise is so welcoming. This is why the destruction of this world and something new is always welcomed. This is why TV shows are so addictive. They allow an escape from the self into the realm of the wannabe.


So with all that said - have the majority of people just become the equivalent of sheep; being mentally herded around by the driving themes of TV and social media? It sometimes feels like it.

more or less

To Me, Reality based TV is for people who don't have lives of their own to live!

Indeed. rather sad. living life through somebody else's life

Very interesting. I would like to hope that one day people will harness this power for the good. As you said the average human is dissatisfied with the state of the world - and for good reason - so it shouldn't be too far fetched to hope that knowing how people hand over their realities to stories, those stories could start offering real scenarios, inspirations and solutions to create a better world where we don't have to escape to story land and it's special snowflakes.

Well, all humans ultimately believe that their efforts aim for something "good". Thing is, "good" and "bad" are entirely subjective, hence the endless fights, misunderstandingss and false hopes.

On the other end of the spectrum are Houellebecq's books, the "heroes" in which make people go into denial so far that they almost caused riots in France.

I am not familiar with Houellebecq but for certain this whole thing revolves around denial. Rather fascinating how humans fall for the same tricks over and over again.

Mainstream media likes to sell, many of those main characters are empty and stereotypical so people can inssert themselves into them, the final power fantasy.

very well put!

Throw out your tv. Social engineers suck, though are great at what they do.

G.E and jack parsons worked to great detail on how to control you with the that idiot box.

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