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RE: Roseanne Season 10

in #television6 years ago (edited)

It was not racist and Roseanne had the best ratings ever when compared with other things in 2018, pretty much. Think about that. They had millions of views on television, cable satellite, first of all, but millions of more views online as well which means we don't know how many watched it.


Whether it was meant to be a joke or not it most certainly was racist. Comparing black people to monkeys, or in this case apes, is rascist, it's on the same level as using the N-word. That aside likening someone to a group of mass murdering nutjobs is also highly offensive.

While it's disappointing that it ended the show, ABC did the right thing, putting morals before money.

You are wrong. First, you did not listen. Second, it is a long story. Roseanne did not say black people. She talked about a person. Why are you racist against a person by seeing only the color of their skin and not the content of their character as Martin Luther King Jr. put it? Watch Roseanne's interview with Joe Rogan or with Lionel Nation or with Diamond & Silk because you are misguided and you have no idea what you are talking about. Upvoted.

I did listen, your argument is just very incoherent. The fact is Roseanne likened a black person to an ape, that is racist. She can do all the back-tracking interviews she likes it doesn't make a fact any less true. Producer Wanda Sykes, a black women, quit the show because of the highly offensive nature of Roseanne's comment.

Why are you racist? Why do you hate America? Why are you against money, freedoms, choices? You seem to love Soros, Rothschild, Obama, the Swamp, Globalism, China, Islam, these global powers that are trying to kill all of us. That includes Oprah, Bill Gates. They're slowly killing us. Here you are upset about something that did not happen. You are blind. You are missing out on history that is happening all around us.

Clearly you're pretty delusional. Nothing you're saying has anything to do with the original post, and the fact you're calling me a racist for pointing out racism is truly baffling.

Don't listen to Lionel Nation, right?

Did you actually read this post or just hijack it for your own agenda?

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