Television - mysterious land of lies and advertising.

in #television7 years ago (edited)

Television, everybody know it, everybody watch it.
Its magical place of same movies played again and again for years, lying and manipulated news, people living on someones death and most importantly ADS.


I would like to begin with explanation, what pushed me to writing this post.

Whenever me and my girlfriend have a chance, we like to eat some meals together. Usually we just pass by at home, you know work and chores etc... We like it very much to have this little moment to sit together and enjoy food. Also we like watching some stuff that we can discuss together durning meal. Not always we have some time to go to computer and search for something interesting and we choose to watch tv... We turn it on... and... Sweet Jesus, holy Mother Mary... and one more time ADS.
Advertisement of magical drug for anal ulcers, then advertisement of magical and best ketchup, and next incredible diapers!

Lets assume that making and eating four sandwitches and 2 coffies takes around 25 minutes... so... we are making food (we hear about anal ulcers), we are taking food to table (we hear about diapers), we are trying to watch something we would like to (after search), for example "How it's Made?"... but before ads end, we will be washing the dishes...

And this is the moment, my ass starts to hurt.


Can you imagine, when you but Spotify premium, you still hearing ads between songs?
Can you imagine buying Netflix and still, durning you favourite show you have 5 brakes for ads?
Can you imagine searching internet and every 20 minutes you are forced to watch 15 minutes long ads?
(i know aboust pop-ups... but we can fight with it... thanks God for Adblock...)
What the heck is this? Why does it work that way?

Lets pretend for a second, that someone likes ads... but we are paying for TV and still we cannot choose what we want to watch in the moment we want?! Its like stopping in XX century. (im not talking about TV VOD like HBO Go, because it works the same as Netflix... you pay - no ads).

Someone may say now "but TV also have to make money, right? m'kay?" Of course ! Its making tons of money, Not only we are paying to watching TV, also big companies pay TV to put their ads on TV!

It would work pretty fine, i would not mind, if everyone watching television would get money for being forced to drink this river of shit in shape of ads and the lever of consumerism.

But paying for it? No kidding...

I think that TV is only leftover of older days, only eldery people still watching it (or people who don't have acces to internet), youth more often see the potential of internet (which is also full of ads.. but we are not forced to watch them... thank you lord for Adblock), and they chose to watch, search whatever they want and whenever they want.

Whats your opinion of this topic?
Can you agree with me?

Thank you for reading,


Television, everybody know it, everybody watch it.
Its magical place of same movies played again and again for years, lying and manipulated news, people living on someones death and most importantly ADS. start is so nice but u added some word annoying like ass etc

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