How does telegram make money?

in #telegram7 years ago (edited)

We all use telegram, it is loved for its privacy and usability.

It has no adds and is supposed to be safe.

But what it the business model and in short how are they making money of their users.

Update: Thank you all for the fantastic answers! Looks to me like the business model is to not have a business model.


Q: How are you going to make money out of this?
We believe in fast and secure messaging that is also 100% free.
Commercial companies frequently face the need to compromise their values for financial gain. This is why we made Telegram a non-commercial project. Telegram is not intended to bring revenue, it will never sell ads or accept outside investment. It also cannot be sold. We're not building a “user base”, we are building a messenger for the people.
Pavel Durov, who shares our vision, supplied Telegram with a generous donation through his Digital Fortress fund, so we have quite enough money for the time being. If Telegram runs out, we'll invite our users to donate or add non-essential paid options.

I think they will make money now...they are going to release telegram tokens..

It is not intented to wash in revenue, at least they weren't at the beginning.
I read they got founded through huge donations, like Digital Fortess funds.
And as you said they don't want to accept add etc, but let's see what happens if they really bring out some crypto currency.

Btw. If you are using it please be aware that their encryption is not really reliable. There are better messanging app out to protect your pricacy

This is what is written on official telegram app website
Q: How are you going to make money out of this?
We believe in fast and secure messaging that is also 100% free.
Commercial companies frequently face the need to compromise their values for financial gain. This is why we made Telegram a non-commercial project. Telegram is not intended to bring revenue, it will never sell ads or accept outside investment. It also cannot be sold. We're not building a “user base”, we are building a messenger for the people.
Pavel Durov, who shares our vision, supplied Telegram with a generous donation through his Digital Fortress fund, so we have quite enough money for the time being. If Telegram runs out, we'll invite our users to donate or add non-essential paid options.

Thank you for big support.

u too man!

Sir, did you mean telegram messenger? Or talking about the original telegram?

Business organizations regularly confront the need to trade off their esteems for monetary profit. This is the reason we made Telegram a non-business venture. Wire isn't expected to bring income, it will never offer advertisements or acknowledge outside venture. It likewise can't be sold. We're not building a "client base", we are building a delivery person for the general population.

keen to know more about this

As indicated by designers, they have no profit, however as an alternative, paid bots are considered from outsider engineers. On account of the open API today anybody can make a bot that will play out a particular capacity. On the off chance that for its utilization different clients will pay cash, at that point, in the first place, it will draw in much more engineers, and furthermore, it will enable the administration to stay above water by getting a commission. This choice is effectively talked about and, potentially, will show up soon.

I am also interested in finding more and found out about their ico! so I ll check up your comments these days! cheers @knirchy

@knircky, did you know that Telegram will release their own crypto? :)

Yes, part of why i am asking

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