in #teeth6 years ago


I wanted to share a little review here of a product I’ve been trying out over the last 3 weeks, it’s called Living Earth Black Pearl Teeth Whitening Powder, and so far I think it’s working!!!

A lot of times when we think of cleaning up our diet we forget about the products we use on our skin and not to mention, in our mouths. I remember I used to just want white teeth and would use any means necessary to get them! White Strips, whitening gel from my dentist, I think I even tried something where I painted my teeth with a little brush 🤦🏻‍♀️
Conventional toothpaste contains a number toxic ingredients, many of which pose serious health concerns. While we don’t actually eat our toothpaste, putting chemicals on the skin may actually be WORSE than eating them, because they enter the bloodstream without any filtering. Most toothpastes contain harmful ingredients like Triclosan (a pesticide and hormone disruptor), SLS (foaming agent and irritant), Propylene Glycol (toxic irritant), DEA (linked with tumors and testicular degeneration), FD&C Blue Dye No. 2 (related to learning and behavioral issues, and severe allergic reactions), and fluoride (which deserves its own post all together).

Most WHITENING toothpaste actually CAUSE teeth sensitivity and contain an abrasive agent which wears away the surface of the tooth and prevents re-mineralization – which can lead to cavities and loss of enamel.

For these reasons and more, it was my aim to find a whitening product that worked and wouldn’t eventually kill me lol.

I’ve been testing out this Living Earth Black Pearl Teeth Whitening Powder (you can find them on Instagram @livingearthmkt or at for the past three weeks. It is all natural and organic. It simply contains things I can pronounce and identify: Activated Organic Coconut Charcoal, Calcium Bentonite Clay, Organic Peppermint, Sodium Bicarbonate (Aluminum Free). That’s it!


What I’ve noticed is: 1. It is far less abrasive than conventional whitening toothpastes and hasn’t led to any teeth sensitivity for me. 2. The coconut oil actually reduces sensitivity. 3. The charcoal is said to bind to stains including coffee and red wine. And while it can be a bit messy (I look like I’ve just gone to town on an entire sleeve of Oreos 😂), following the directions, it cleans up well and doesn’t stain my sink or toothbrush. I like that I am brushing without toxins and whitening, strengthening, and brightening without damaging my teeth and organs. Curious, what’s your fave way to whiten naturally?


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