
Somtow, I don't know where to start!

It was so wonderful seeing you in in this TED talk, the man behind the baton and the pen...

So many of my remembered moments of you here in the US in the 70's and 80's were focused on other creative literary projects, but those same things are still part of you and your multidimensional works. They give you the tools to go beyond the forms and to use them as vehicles for eternal truths.

I have watched the completed operas online and each one is so unique and powerful! I can't wait to see the next one. Opera Siam is a cultural treasure from the Bangkok Opera Company, the Siam Philharmonic Orchestra to the Siam Sinfonietta and all the special workshops and smaller productions in between.

I'm praying it receives more and more recognition! You have made it possible for so many talented musical students to develop into world class performers as well as sharing and creating works of art.

Music, breaks through all time, space, and cultural divides! It can bring us together and heal the artificial divisions between people.

May you live long and prosper to complete this transcendental project!

Your ever well wisher...

image courtesy of

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