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in #technologynews6 years ago

Mercedes and NVIDIA team up to build next-gen AI vehicles

"From modular vans to autonomous cars -- and, as recently revealed at CES, gesture-based controls -- Mercedes has some big ambitions for the next generation of its vehicles. Now, it's announced that AI company NVIDIA will be the team to help it achieve them. S…"


Google 把 Assistant 装进了智能按钮和 E Ink 小屏幕里

" 不说的话可能你都不会注意,Google 的 Assistant 助理服务诞生至今才过去了两年多而已。在这段时间里它的活跃设备数已经超过了 10 亿台,适用国家达到 80 个,能听懂的语言也已有近 30 种。在此基础上,Google 并没有停止进一步扩张其「势力」的脚步。在 CES 2019 期间他们新推了一个名为 Google Assistant Connect 的新计划,希望借此让 Assistant 出现在更多种类的设备之上。那为了向大家展示 Connect 究竟能做些什么,Google 特意带了两个自己制作…"


PAX Labs CEO on how technology will demystify cannabis

" PAX makes some of the most popular cannabis vaporizers around. By fusing technology, with innovative software, the company hopes to take the mystery out of getting high. But, there are problems. Many people don't know where to start, it's still i..."


Jammy makes the practice guitar modular

" If you travel, but want to practice guitar, there are options. But I really don't trust TSA and the airlines not to bust a nice acoustic travel axe. Jammy has come up with a solution: a digital guitar with real strings that comes apart."


Netflix on course for best year ever at UK's BAFTA film awards

" As the dust settles on the Golden Globes, streaming services are already gearing up for their best showing ever at the BAFTAs -- aka the UK's Oscars. Netflix is up for eight awards (up from three last year), mainly thanks to Alfonso Cuarón's d..."


Gigabyte's Aero laptop uses AI to optimize gaming performance

"Gigabyte was one of the first PC makers to introduce practical light and thin gaming laptops, but now that every manufacturer is doing the same, it has to find other ways to stand out. With its latest Aero 15-X9 and all-new Aero 15-Y9 models, it has found an …"


Aura 将旗下的运动手环浓缩成了一条 Apple Watch 表带

" 在今年五月时,Aura 在 Kickstarter上展开了一款运动手环的众筹,凭借着以生物电阻抗技术分析体内脂肪、肌肉、矿物质和水分的功能,最终达成了超过十万美元的佳绩。在早先采访该公司的过程中,他们表示该产品计划会在去年八月份开始出货。但事实上,如今收到产品的消息却寥寥无几。然而这似乎无碍于 Aura 对外展出旗下新开发的产品,一款浓缩了上一代产品技术的 Apple Watch 智能表带。这款名为 Smart Strap 的智能表带包含了之前运动手环的所有功能,只需要同时按下表带上的按钮并触摸金属电极片五秒钟,…"


Paying for EV charging could soon be as simple as plugging in your car

" The number of EV charging stations across America is increasing, thus paving the way for wider adoption of electric vehicles. But a lot of the infrastructure surrounding charging has remained complicated and time-consuming. Charging points typically..."


The Osé blended-orgasm machine sounds like a microrobotic marvel

" Lora Dicarlo technical director Lola Vars won't disclose the precise mechanics powering the Osé pleasure wand (that's how trade secrets work, after all), except to say that it uses microrobotics, air flow, thumping and "come hither" motions in..."


Microsoft will help train LG's self-driving car software

" While LG's CES presence has mainly been about TVs -- of the rollable and 8K variety -- and robots, it hasn't forgotten about the tech show's other obsession: cars. With a self-driving data collection partnership with Here maps already under its belt,..."



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